Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mid-Ohio Comic Con 2011: Day One Photos

Day One of Mid-Ohio Comic Con 2011, my first-ever convention as a guest, is officially in the history books.   An absolutely huge turnout for Saturday and I gave away twice as many free copies of Cartoon Network Action Pack #61 than I expected. My many thanks to everyone who stopped by my table today and a Special Shout-Outs to fellow ex-TitanTalker Neil Southwell and to all the Doctor Who and Generator Rex fans. 

Oh, look...photos!

The Tenth Doctor, The Eleventh Doctor, The Ninth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness (with banana because bananas are good)
Mistah J and Harley Quinn
Four new recruits for Team Generator Rex.  Represent!
Ed Brubaker-era Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Aquawoman
Rose Tyler from "The Idiot's Lantern" and The Tenth Doctor from "The Girl in the Fireplace"
My favorite pairing of Day One -- Mysterion from South Park and Shipwreck from G.I. Joe
Want to see more pictures?  Check them out on my Facebook account!


  1. Nice to see you are having a good time.

  2. Thanks, Pixie. Mid-Ohio Con is always one of the highlights of my year and this first con as a guest made this year even more special. Hope Day Two goes just as well!
