Thursday, November 4, 2010

DOCTOR WHO Series 5 "Meanwhile, in the TARDIS" Spoilers

Probably the most anticipated special features on the upcoming Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series DVD/Blu-Ray set are two new "Meanwhile, in the TARDIS..." bonus scenes featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, and Doctor Who TV has posted the specific details:

‘Meanwhile in the TARDIS’ comprises two new ‘mini-episodes’ written by Steven Moffat.  The first one takes place just before the start of The Beast Below when Amy was floating in space above Starship UK. In the scene, Amy fires off a bunch of familiar questions about the nature of the Doctor and the TARDIS.

The second one is after Amy kisses the Doctor at the conclusion of Flesh and Stone. After ‘fighting’ off Amy’s advances, the Doctor tells her about his previous female companions and pictures of them are shown on the TARDIS console screen (below). Amy is left quite startled by the amount.

Between this and mentions in the recent Sarah Jane Adventures story "Death of the Doctor," Polly, Jo Grant and some of the other female companions are getting some nice continuity love this year.  Here's hoping more of them get to return to TV at some point down the line...

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