Monday, December 25, 2023

DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Teaser Hints at the Beatles and the Return of Mel & Rose Noble

Will the Beatles sing a rendition of "She Loves Who" (Yeah Yeah Yeah)?

The Doctor Who team has released a 30-second teaser for the upcoming Season 1/Series 14/Season 40 of Doctor Who, the first season featuring Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and Millie Gibson as new companion Ruby Sunday.

The teaser opens with the Doctor and Ruby inside the spacious new TARDIS console room, with the Doctor telling Ruby they're heading "Into the vortex." 

"I have the whole universe at my fingertips," exclaims the Doctor in a voiceover as we see the Doctor and Ruby traveling back to the Regency Era featuring guest star Indira Varma, playing a character called "the Duchess."

Next, we're off to Abbey Road Studios in the 1960s, where we see four mop-toped lads from Liverpool about to take it from the top, hinting that the Doctor may finally get to meet the Beatles.

In another voiceover, someone tells Ruby, "Ruby, there are powers beyond the universe" as we see drag queen Jinkx Monsoon in villainous form. Ruby seems to reply, "Are you getting scared 'cause you're just babbling now?"

As we see various monsters in fleeting images, we glimpse the Fifteenth Doctor riding on the back of Melanie Bush's motorbike as he yells, "Mel, faster!"

The Doctor tells Ruby, "No job. No boss. Just fun" as we then see him give an exuberant hug to Rose Noble (Yasmin Finney) as they reunite at UNIT's new headquarters.

Lastly, as we see the Doctor hugging Ruby in the doorway of the TARDIS, we hear him say in another voiceover, "I'd love it if you came with me."

If you'd like to check out the brand-new teaser, you can view it below thanks to the official Doctor Who channel on YouTube...

Doctor Who returns for the new Season 1 in Spring 2024.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 303: "The Giggle" Is Up!

"Don't go thinking you've got an excuse. The human race might be clever, and bright, and brilliant -- it's also savage, and venal, and relentless. All the anger out there on the streets! The lies, the righteousness, that's human, that's you! That's who you are! Using your intelligence to be stupid. Poisoning the world! And hating each other, you've never needed any help with that! But today, something else is using your worst attributes. Playing with you. Like toys."
-- The Fourteenth Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Giggle"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! This time, we're joined by special guest DJ Nik to discuss "The Giggle", the third Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker, and the introduction of Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like Nik getting the Next Stop hat trick, "The Giggle" finally feeling like a 60th Anniversary Special, "The Giggle" being filled with satire and social commentary about the world becoming crazier and angrier, Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson and Dr. Horrible, the return of Bonnie Langford as Melanie "Mel" Bush, the return of the Toymaker for the first time since 1966's "The Celestial Toymaker", the various attempts to bring the Toymaker back since then, Russell T Davies realizing that the Toymaker would make a much stronger antagonist than a two-foot tall puppet, "The Giggle" almost including a scene mentioning Wilf's passing, Neil Patrick Harris being an accomplished amateur magician, who was actually the first redhead to travel in the TARDIS as a companion, why this probably won't be the last time we see David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, the Fourteenth Doctor facing yet another insurmountable threat in the Toymaker, the Toymaker's puppet show laying out the emotional toll the Doctor went through during the Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall's era, the Fourteenth Doctor being symbolic of the human race going from one crisis to the next crisis to the next, the Fourteenth Doctor looking gaunt and burned out, Neil Patrick Harris taking over from Michael Gough as the Toymaker, some early speculation about who "The One Who Waits" could be, Russell T Davies' love of campy villain musical numbers, another homage to the end of Flash Gordon (1980) with someone with red nail polish picking up the Toymaker's gold tooth containing the Master, Kate Stewart showing her ugly side by getting all ableist on Shirley, UNIT probably getting more "W"s in the win column if they had their own spinoff series, future plans for David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor probably being on hold until after Tennant films Good Omens Season 3, a potential UNIT spinoff series also being a potential series to bring back classic Doctor Who companions on a regular basis, the Fourteenth Doctor being able to sit down and spend time with a family, Ncuti Gatwa's debut as the Fifteenth Doctor, Jesse building a Spotify playlist for what's on the Fifteenth Doctor's jukebox, the Fifteenth Doctor trying to reassure the Fourteenth Doctor, our favorite quotes of the episode, new feedback from Sandi from Oregon, Dave Proctor, Holly Mac, and Aaron Case, Jesse having to bail on the episode early, the debut of "The Goblin Song" from "The Church on Ruby Road", and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

And just in time for the new era of Doctor Who, we now have a BRAND NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE!  This spiffy shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

Be sure to come back for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I are joined by special guest companions DJ Nik & Holly Mac as we discuss "The Church on Ruby Road", the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas Special, featuring Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and introducing Mille Gibson as new companion Ruby Sunday!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

DRUNK CINEMA 054: "The Maltese Falcon (1941)" Is Up!

"When a man's partner is killed, he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you're supposed to do something about it. And it happens, we're in the detective business. Well, when one of your organization gets killed, it's -- it's bad business to let the killer get away with it, bad all around, bad for every detective everywhere."
-- Sam Spade, The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we pay tribute to Xan's father Paul Hess by watching The Maltese Falcon, the 1941 film noir directed by John Huston, starring Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade, Mary Astor as Brigid O'Shaughnessy, Peter Lorre as Joel Cairo, and Sydney Greenstreet as Kasper Gutman!

This time, Xan and I discuss things like my seeing Xan at GalaxyCon Columbus, The Maltese Falcon being Xan's father's favorite movie, Xan and her mom giving her father a replica of the Maltese Falcon statue, Xan's dad loving Adventures of Superman with George Reeves, John Huston not being a good director of musicals, Gen Z not watching movies, our favorite Marx Brothers movies, why Xan isn't drinking this episode, my coming off paint fumes, 1940s phone numbers, some background on tongue pushing, Sam and Brigid playing one another, Gutman being an obvious name for a heavyset man, wondering if you can still buy smoking jackets for men, Sam having sex with his partner's wife and his partner's killer, new Drunk Mail from Aaron Case and Dave Proctor, the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials, our upcoming watch of Scrooged, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Drunk Cinema's Twitter Account

Be sure to come back soon as Xan and I watch Scrooged, the 1988 Christmas fantasy comedy directed by Richard Donner, starring Bill Murray as Frank Cross, Karen Allen as Claire Phillips, Bobcat Goldthwait as Eliot Loudermilk, and Alfre Woodard as Grace Cooley!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 302: "Wild Blue Yonder" Is Up!

"Wilfred Mott! Ohhh, now I feel better. Now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world! Hello, me old soldier!"
"I never thought I'd see you again after all these years. Oh, Doctor, that lovely face! It's like springtime."
-- The Fourteenth Doctor and Wilfred Mott, Doctor Who: "Wild Blue Yonder"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! This time, we're joined by special guest DJ Nik to discuss "Wild Blue Yonder", the second Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, and the final appearance of Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like Jesse starting a new phase of his life, Nik worrying about Inter Milan, Nathaniel Curtis appearing in Big Finish's UNIT audios, Jesse watching a Hallmark movie before watching "Wild Blue Yonder", the segment of Doctor Who fandom freaking out that the Fourteenth Doctor might be gay, finally seeing differences between the Tenth and Fourteenth Doctors, the top-notch special effects (!), the song where "Wild Blue Yonder" comes from, the Fourth Doctor's meeting with Isaac Newton, "Wild Blue Yonder" being dedicated to Bernard Cribbins, the intentional confusion of the two conversations between the Doctors and the Donnas, the Not-Things knowing that the Doctor couldn't resist thinking about the mystery, the ship being a character in itself, the similarities to Russell T Davies' previous story "Midnight", Russell T Davies making you care about the companions more than other writers, the Fourteenth Doctor angrily losing his cool, Donna figuring things about before the Doctor, the line "My arms are too long" having a very David Lynch/Twin Peaks vibe, whether Donna actually remembers what she knew as the DoctorDonna, the Fourteenth Doctor choosing poorly, the recurring "mavity" gag, Nik's dad being a fan of Sir Isaac Newton, Nik being a fan of Bernard Cribbins from the BBC series Jackanory, Wilf keeping watch for his family at the age of 93, our favorite quotes of the episode, new feedback from Dave Proctor, Holly Mac, Dustin Burcham, and Megan from Oregon, Jesse being the Podcast King, the Columbus Blue Jackets inevitably letting me down, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

And just in time for the new era of Doctor Who, we now have a BRAND NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE!  This spiffy shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

Be sure to come back for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I are joined once again by special guest companion DJ Nik as we discuss "The Giggle", the third Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker, and the introduction of Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 301: "The Star Beast" Is Up!

"But I still don't get it. The TARDIS can change, all right, but...what about your face? Why did it come back?"
"Does there have to be a reason?"
"With your life? Yes!"
-- Donna Noble and the Fourteenth Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Star Beast"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! This time, we're joined by special guest DJ Nik to discuss "The Star Beast", the first Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, Yasmin Finney as Rose Noble, and Miriam Margolyes as the voice of Beep the Meep!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like Jesse's Texas Rangers winning the World Series right after we recorded Episode 300, Nik joining us for the 60th Anniversary Specials, Donna and Rose's favorite musical, finally getting a new episode after an entire year, our initial reactions to the return of Doctor Who under Russell T Davies, my love of the new opening credits and less love for the closing theme arrangement, some comics background on the original 1980 comic serial in Doctor Who Weekly #19-26 by Pat Mills and Dave (Watchmen) Gibbons, the Fourteenth Doctor comic serial "Liberation of the Daleks", the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate, expecting that we'll get an answer for why the Fourteenth Doctor has the Tenth Doctor's face, wondering why Disney+ recommends WandaVision after you watch Doctor Who instead of Loki, Fourteen behaving very similarly to Ten, the new uses for the Sonic Screwdriver, Donna being a better mother to Rose than her mother Sylvia was to her, Donna growing as a person since she left the Tenth Doctor, Shirley Anne Bingham probably becoming a cast member in a UNIT spinoff series, Donna passing the Metacrisis power onto Rose, wondering why only women could release the Metacrisis, wondering why people who have a problem with Rose Noble are watching Doctor Who, Nik wanting a Beep the Meep plush toy, the gorgeous new TARDIS interior, our favorite quotes of the episode, new feedback from Sandi from Oregon, Dave Proctor and Holly Mac, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

We have a Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our previous logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HERE!  This spiffy shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in one week for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I are joined once again by special guest companion DJ Nik as we discuss "Wild Blue Yonder", the second Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, and the final appearance of Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott!