Sunday, March 2, 2025

New DOCTOR WHO Season 2 Trailer Features the Return of Kate Stewart & Melanie Bush

The Doctor promised that he would keep Belinda Chandra safe.

The BBC has released the full trailer for Doctor Who Season 2, better known as Series 15, featuring the return of Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and introducing Verada Sethu as incoming companion Belinda Chandra.

As the one-minute, 45-second trailer opens, we hear the Doctor say in a voiceover, "There are forces beyond this universe. We think we are so clever...but we're like children. And when these vast creatures look down on us, our entire reality is in danger."

We see Belinda waking up in her bed to a blinding object in the sky outside her window. This is followed by a group of soldiers in sleek, black spacesuits ordered to put on their helmets.

Next, we glimpse Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) walking down a dimly-lit hallway, followed by the Fifteenth Doctor in a very British bowler hat and suit, looking up at a gigantic animal skeleton somehow moving around like it's alive.

Interestingly, the next thing we see is a terrified Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) standing in the middle of a street at night as lights in the houses begin to flicker ominously.

"So, what's your name?" asks Belinda as she prepares an IV in a different scene.

"Just the Doctor," replies the Doctor, sporting a thicker hairstyle.

Belinda shrugs and says, "All right then, I'm called the Nurse."

We cut to Belinda, now inside the TARDIS console room. She looks around the large, cavernous room, staring up at image of Mundy Flynn, whom Sethu played in last season's episode "Boom.

The Doctor says in another voiceover, "There is something already connecting us."

"This is a time machine," remarks Belinda.

The Doctor snaps his fingers and points at her, quipping "Boom!"

In a separate scene, Belinda tells the Doctor, "I am not one of your adventures. You need to get me home." As the TARDIS lurches, the Doctor informs her, "This might be the long way 'round."

Shifting to an episode set in the 1950s, Belinda tells the Doctor, "You're Scooby-Doo!"

"Honey, I'm Velma," retorts the Doctor.

In a quick montage of clips showing Belinda traveling with the Doctor, the Doctor says, "We are meant to voyage out there and own it." We see the two spacediving in the spacesuits from earlier and the Doctor remarks, "Girl, you are beginning to enjoy this!"

Next, we cut to a large auditorium, where a host steps onto the stage and announces, "Welcome to the Interstellar Song Contest," an obvious take on the Eurovision Song Contest. Belinda and the Doctor confirm that they're staying to watch, but so is the mysterious Mrs. Flood, played once again by Anita Dobson. "I love a good show!" she says to herself.

The trailer takes an even darker tone, as the Doctor states in another voiceover, "It's all a game to them...but the games are deadly."

Shifting to another scene, we hear the Doctor's previous companion Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) tell an unnamed man, "It wants you scared" as some sinister creatures loom in the shadows. When asked why, Ruby explains, "Because it likes the taste" as the creature begins to reach for the man's shoulder.

Cutting to what appears to be the Daleks' home planet of Skaro, the Doctor says to Belinda, "I promised that I would keep you safe."

"But you can't," replies Belinda as we see the Doctor ejected into space without a protective suit."

"I can," reassures the Doctor. "I will. I do. I will take you home..."

As the trailer music builds to a crescendo, we see a giant spider-like creature.

"...That is a promise."

If you'd like to view the new trailer for Doctor Who Season 2, you can check it out below thanks to the official Doctor Who account on YouTube...

Doctor Who returns to Disney+ for Season 2 on April 12, 2025.

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