Friday, August 9, 2024

DRUNK CINEMA 064: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Is Up!

"Listen, we're not the last humans left. There are people who will fight you. They will find out what you're doing here."
"They'll stop you."
"In an hour...you won't want them to. In an hour, you'll be one of us."
-- Matthew Bennell, Elizabeth Driscoll, and Dr. David Kibner, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Invasion of the Body Snatchersthe 1978 science fiction horror film directed by Philip Kaufman, starring Donald Sutherland as Matthew Bennell, Brooke Adams as Elizabeth Driscoll, Jeff Goldblum as Jack Bellicec, and Leonard Nimoy as as Dr. David Kibner!

This time, Xan and I discuss things like Xan being my personal IKEA consultant, paying tribute to the late Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams being the wife of Tony Shalhoub, Matthew Bennell vs. Kevin McCarthy's Dr. Miles Bennell from the original 1956 version, the GoFundMe for the children of my late brother-in-law Jack Brockhaus, Matthew being too cool about getting his car windshield smashed, the origin of the term "pod person", everybody having a wok in the '70s, the classic SNL "pod people" sketch, Kevin McCarthy's cameo, mud baths, Peter Davison being a underrated Doctor on Doctor Who, Veronica Cartwright encountering a chestburster from Alien, Leonard Nimoy gaslighting everyone, body horror not needing to be rapey, the cameo by original 1956 version director Don Siegel, people leaving speed around at work, the fucked-up cameo by the dog with a human face, Florida the Explorer, new Drunk Mail from Dave Proctor and Christine Peruski, why we're watching Roxanne in our next episode, Xan and I taking a month off to see RoboCop (1987), and more!

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Be sure to come back in four weeks as Xan and I watch Roxanne, the 1987 romantic comedy directed by Fred Schepisi, starring Steve Martin as Charlie "C.D." Bales, Daryl Hannah as Roxanne Kowalski, Rick Rossovich as Chris McConnell, and Shelley Duvall as Dixie!

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