Friday, February 9, 2024

DRUNK CINEMA 056: "Never Say Never Again" Is Up!

"Good to see you, Mr. Bond! Things've been awfully dull 'round here. Bureaucrats running the whole place, everything done by the book, can't make a decision unless the computer gives you the go ahead. Now you're on this. I hope we're going to have some gratuitous sex and violence!"
"I certainly hope so too."
-- Q/Algernon and James Bond, Never Say Never Again

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Never Say Never Again, the 1983 unofficial James Bond film directed by Irvin Kershner, starring Sean Connery as James Bond, Klaus Maria Brandauer as Maximillian Largo, Kim Basinger as Domino Petachi, and Bernie Casey as Felix Leiter!

This time, Xan and I discuss things like Xan's intro theme song, Xan playing to win, our original plans to watch Never Say Never Again back in September 2023, how Never Say Never Again got made even thought it's not an official James Bond film, wanting to watch two episodes of The Prisoner for an episode of Drunk Cinema, Xan listening to a vocoder for the first time, screenwriter Lorenzo Semple Jr., Roger Moore's best Bond movies, Xan getting to hear "Die Another Day" live at a Madonna concert, Radiohead's song "Spectre", Fatima's fashion choices, the health spa fight sequence taking way too long, Fatima throwing her pet snake from one car into another, Blofeld bringing receipts, Maximillian Largo being very Eurotrash, James Bond being the worst secret agent at being secret, Bond's creepy massage of Domino, Largo really being a fan of Centipede arcade machines, wondering how the Domination of the World videogame valued nations of the world, James Bond having sex with Diane Evans from Twin Peaks, new Drunk Mail from Dave Proctor and Shalayne Johnson, our upcoming unconventional Valentine's Day movie, and more!

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Be sure to come back in two weeks as Xan and I watch Wild at Heart, the 1990 romantic crime drama film directed by David Lynch, starring Nicolas Cage as "Sailor" Ripley, Laura Dern as Lula Fortune, Diane Ladd as Marietta Fortune, and Willem Dafoe as Bobby Peru!

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