Wednesday, October 20, 2021

TITANTALK 069: "Prodigal & 1917 Patrol" Is Up!

"Oh, I know something that will perk you up. Nightwing is dead. A dismal duel to the death between two beloved Bat brothers. Poetic or pathetic, you be the judge! Come on, how about a little appreciation for all of my hard work. And cool it on the feels. You know, the tragic end of Nightwing, it’s just an aperitif. The main course is the death of your beloved city. I only wish Papa Jim and Batman were around to savor it with you…along with your dearly departed Dick Grayson. God, I miss him already. Anyways, stay tuned, see you soon. Same Crane channel, same Crane time!"
-- Dr. Jonathan Crane to Barbara Gordon, Titans: "Prodigal"

Hello again, Titans and Doom Patrol fans! DJ Nik and I are back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we 
discuss "Prodigal", the twelfth episode of Titans Season 3, along with "1917 Patrol", the sixth episode of Doom Patrol Season 3, featuring Nightwing teaming up with Red Hood and Rita Farr joining the Sisterhood of Dada!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like Nik becoming 100 Euros richer, DC FanDome Day, "Prodigal" seeming like a mid-season episode and not the penultimate Season 3 episode, all the things that still need addressed in the Titans Season 3 finale, Scarecrow's new plan helping him recreate his old plan that was previously thwarted by Batman, what a group of bats is called, the WTF moment of Beast Boy turning into a bat to convince other bats to carry Nightwing's body off to the Lazarus Pit, wondering if the Titans writers have completely checked out, Titans showrunner Greg Walker being asleep at the wheel once again, wondering why Jason wasn't able to stop Scarecrow from swinging his scythe on a chain at him, Dick Grayson's hallucination of seeing himself as the Joker killing Jason with the crowbar, Dick and Kory's daughter Nightstar from Kingdom Come, Dick recruiting his Lazarus Pit resurrection bro Jason Todd for help, Dick being more mellow after his resurrection, Donna going to Armored Vehicles 'R Us, Gar palming the pile of leftover Kryptonite dust instead of just touching it with one finger, the return of Dr. Artie Kind, Blackfire deciding that she has to break up with Superboy to go back to Tamaran, Superboy sabotaging Blackfire's ship, wondering why Kryptonians can't survive on Tamaran, Barbara Gordon beating Fletcher up with a baton concealed in her wheelchair, Barbara asking the destroyed Oracle if it's really destroyed, some comics background on Agent "!"/Malcolm, Alice Cooper singing "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows", Laura DeMille questioning Rita about her powers, Rita having more control over her powers without her memories and emotional baggage, the segregation of the 1917 Metas as a metaphor, the Sisterhood of Dada exposing the absurdity of their treatment by the Bureau of Normalcy, Malcolm's heart being replaced by a canary in a birdcage, wondering what happens to Malcolm that he ends up dead and why the Sisterhood of Dada hates Madame Rouge, the expression "piffle paffle", Jane helping Kay finally get control over her own body, the other personas not being happy that Jane let Kay leave the Underground, Cliff's addiction to the internet becoming his new support system, wondering if the Brain and Monsieur Mallah built a time machine and the Brain bought the blueprints to Cliff's robot body, Vic retracing the path his mother took to achieve his destiny, Larry finally standing up to his son blaming him for everything, our favorite quotes of the episodes, new Tell It to TitanTalk email from Steve Siegmund and Chris from Colorado (read by Funko Batman), a DM from Josh Mull on Twitter, and more!

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And hey, we now have an official TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast t-shirt and merch featuring our updated logo, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE! Support the show by grabbing some TitanTalk gear to enjoy while listening to our discussions of Titans and Doom Patrol!

Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Purple Rain", the Season 3 finale of Titans, along with "Bird Patrol", the seventh episode from Doom Patrol Season 3, right here on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!

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