Monday, July 29, 2019

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 149: "Death of the Doctor" is Up!

"It's daft, though, because, well, we were both saying that we had this theory that if you ever died, we'd feel it some somehow...We'd just know. That's just silly, isn't it?"
"I don't know...maybe not, 'cause between you and me, if that day ever comes...I think the whole universe might just shiver."
-- Sarah Jane Smith and the Eleventh Doctor, The Sarah Jane Adventures: "Death of the Doctor"

Hello again, Whovians!  My partner in time Jesse Jackson returns to Next Stop Everywhere to help me discuss "Death of the Doctor", the third serial from The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4 in 2010, starring Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, Katy Manning as Jo (Grant) Jones, and Finn Jones as Santiago Jones!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Jesse and I both playing under the weather, Luke Smith being written out of The Sarah Jane Adventures, Russell T. Davies writing for the Eleventh Doctor, whether James Bond is a Time Lord, Katy Manning finally returning on screen as Jo Grant/Jones, Finn Jones as Iron Fist, wanting to see the progeny of a companion as a companion, Jimmy Vee as the new R2-D2, the Doctor's offhand remark about being able to regenerate 507 times, Jo realizing that the Doctor has been checking up on what she's been doing since she left him, TV canon overwriting book canon, getting status updates on other past companions, RTD intending to reintroduce Sophie Aldred as Ace on The Sarah Jane Adventures, that awkward moment when the Eleventh Doctor tells Jo that he has married companions, wondering why more companions in the same time era don't reach out to one another, Jo geeking out of being inside the TARDIS once again, Jesse needing the Doctor to connect to The Sarah Jane Adventures, H.R. Pufnstuf, The Sarah Jane Adventures' puppetry compared to Farscape's, running down the Shansheeths' plan, our favorite quotes of the story, my Reverse the Polarity segment, new listener feedback from Holly from Wisconsin and Hannah Skorapa, teasing Episode 150, and more!

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Be sure to come back in just four days for our big 150th episode and 5th anniversary episode, as Jesse Jackson and I are joined by four Special Guest Companions on Next Stop Everywhere to help me discuss "The Stolen Earth/Journey's End", the 12th and 13th episodes from Doctor Who Series 4 in 2009, starring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, and Julian Bleach as Davros!

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