Monday, July 1, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 156: "Will to Power" is Up!

"Was I dead?"
"Maybe just a little bit.  But I un-deaded you!"
-- Seg-El and Adam Strange, Krypton: "Will to Power"

Hello again, everyone!  Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Will to Power", the third episode from Season 2 of the Syfy series Krypton, featuring Seg-El's plan to get rid of Brainiac, General Zod telling his mom Lyta how she died, and Nyssa-Vex getting a new/old love interest!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Jesse speaking with a Texan accent, writers and directors hoping the other one knows what they're doing, how The CW would've drawn out Adam Strange and Seg-El on Colu for at least half a season, Netflix and the BBC encouraging networks to release shorter seasons with less filler, Adam coming to grips with who he is, Lobo's clever use of his regenerative powers to get inside a force field, Lobo's severed arm giving Adam the finger, Seg realizing he can rifle through Brainiac's memories, Adam having to trust Seg without knowing if he's talking to Seg or Brainiac, Brainiac knowing how to use emotions as a weapon without actually having them, Lobo still being a threat even with only the upper half of his body, General Zod's Evil Spock goatee, General Zod telling Lyta-Zod how she died in the original timeline, finding out that Nyssa-Vex is bisexual, wondering if Araame is a plant to keep tabs on Nyssa, Jax-Ur being really suspicious of Nyssa, the contrast between Lyta-Zod and Nyssa-Vex, Nyssa trying to not become her father, Jayna-Zod telling Dev-Em that she needs him for her plan to save Lyta and kill General Zod, wondering how Dev-Em ended up unconscious in the snow, our favorite quotes of the episode, Jesse becoming a fan of Irish Lobo, the CW's fall premiere dates for their comic book TV shows, my wife Lori and I watching Riverdale, my disappointment with Swamp Thing's depiction of the Phantom Stranger, all roads leading to Bruce Springsteen, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "Danger Close", the fourth episode from Season 2 of the Syfy series Krypton, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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