Wednesday, March 8, 2023

THE FANDOM ZONE 262: "The Mask of the Red Death, Part 1" Is Up!

"You want to know who I am? I am the last glimmer of crimson a killer sees before he draws his final breath. I am vengeance. I am the night. I am...the Red Death."
-- The Red Death, The Flash -- "The Mask of the Red Death, Part 1"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Mask of the Red Death, Part 1", the fourth episode of The Flash Season Nine, featuring Grant Gustin as The Flash/Barry Allen, Javicia Leslie as The Red Death, and the return of Paul Anthony as Rainbow Raider!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik and I being sympatico on our Oscar picks, my theory about Red Death's TV origin mostly being validated, wondering what is up with Javicia Leslie's extreme overacting, how Javicia Leslie's performance compared to her performance on Batwoman, Jenna Marie West finally appearing on The Flash for the first time since "A Girl Named Sue" in 2020, some comics background on Rainbow Raider, Paul Anthony returning as Rainbow Raider for the first time since Season 1, being thankful that Iris wasn't fooled by Red Death Ryan Wilder pretending to be Batwoman Ryan Wilder, Red Death being an unreliable narrator, Owlman from the Crime Syndicate, the clever misdirection of Red Death's armor being empty inside, Barry getting pissed that Chillblaine was left behind to die at the hands of Red Death's Rogues, why the director should've been too embarrassed to include Javicia Leslie's over-the-top cliffhanger rant in the final cut, there being no crying in supervillainy, good acting making bad dialogue sound halfway decent, Joe going house-hunting without telling Cecile, Cecile going off to play superhero without a costume or codename to conceal her identity, wondering why Joe and Cecile didn't decide to move out so Barry and Iris could move into their old home like The Book said so, Nik crushing on Danielle Cecilet, Chester having a CB radio in 2023, Allegra finally wanting to discuss her relationship with Chester right in the middle of another crisis, still wondering what Khione brings to the table as a character, our favorite quotes of the episode, The Fandom Zone Podcast discussing Justice League Dark before Nik's Happiness in Darkness: The Superhero Movie Podcast, Joe's pep talks always being good for Barry, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Mask of the Red Death, Part 2", the fifth episode of The Flash Season Nine, on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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