Thursday, March 30, 2023

GHOSTWOOD 125: "The Short Films of David Lynch" Is Up!

"By golly, Slim...He's got French fries!"
"By golly, Slim...He got French fries."
"Hell, shoot, French fries! Well then, by golly, I'll bet you a nickel we got ourselves a Frenchman here."
-- Pete, Dusty and Slim, The Cowboy and the Frenchman

It is happening again...My amazing co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we discuss The Short Films of David Lynch, the 2002 DVD collection of the early student and commissioned film work of David Lynch, including his short films The Alphabet, The Grandmother, The Amputee, and The Cowboy and the Frenchman!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan and I going to see Peter Gabriel in concert later this year, why it took us six weeks to get this episode recorded, Xan hooking me up with a couple of Twin Peaks replica artifacts, how you can find The Short Films of David Lynch on DVD, the short films of David Lynch that aren't on the the 2002 DVD, thinking about all the years it took for Lynch to finish Eraserhead, the annoying AF siren in Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times), Lynch's early short films building on top of one another, The Alphabet as a terrifying version of Sesame Street, the boy in The Grandmother growing a grandmother because his parents are abusive assholes, Xan wondering if David Lynch got the name Mot from the Looney Tunes cartoon Rocket-Bye-Baby, Lynch's The Grandmother defying categorization at the American Film Institute, the strange positivity of David Lynch, the Log Lady intros made for the Bravo cable channel broadcasts of Twin Peaks, more of Twin Peaks on VHS, Catherine Coulson in The Amputee, our attempt to understand the amputee's letter, wondering if Lynch and Frost named Jack Nance's character Pete Martell after Nance's character Pete in The Cowboy and the Frenchman, Michael Horse playing a stereotypical Native American of mysterious tribal descent, our joy learning that Tracey Walter appeared in a David Lynch film, the film shot with a Lumière camera involving a train coming right at the audience, European filmmaking being at the forefront of creativity, the rivalry between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, wishing Sean Pertwee would portray his father Jon's character the Third Doctor, our finally getting to discuss Inland Empire, the annoying snoring guy who ruined the ending of the Inland Empire for me, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 126 of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast, as Xan and I finally discuss Inland Empire, the 2006 psychological thriller film directed by David Lynch, featuring Laura Dern as Nikki Grace/Sue Blue, Jeremy Irons as Kingsley Stewart, Justin Theroux as Devon Berk/Billy Side, and Harry Dean Stanton as Freddie Howard!

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