Friday, December 30, 2022

TITANTALK 084: "Casey Patrol" Is Up!

"Okay, sweetie, you're up at a Katy Perry, and I'm going to need you to bring it way down to an Alicia Keys."
-- Maura Lee Karupt, Doom Patrol: "Casey Patrol"

Hello again, Titans & Doom Patrol fans! DJ Nik and I are back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we discuss "Casey Patrol", the fourth episode of Doom Patrol Season 4, featuring the return of Abi Monterey as Dorothy Spinner & Alan Mingo Jr. as Maura Lee Karupt, and the introduction of Madeline Zima as Space Case/Casey Brinke!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like Nik enjoying Hanukkah, catching up with Dorothy Spinner and Maura Lee Karupt, Nik playing Laser Tag in Italy, Madeline Zima as Tracey Barberato on Twin Peaks: The Return, Tyler Mane as Sabretooth in the first X-Men movie, some comics background on Space Case and Torminox, some background on the phrase "Bona to Vada", the short experimental film Bona to Vada, Dorothy going through her sulky teenage years, the current status of the Dead Boy Detectives spinoff series, Dorothy getting upset that Danny made her a banana split, the Candlemaker now being under Dorothy's control as her protector and weapon, Dorothy coming of age and leaving Danny the Street, Dorothy unloading all of her repressed emotions about her father on Torminox, Torminox being powerful enough to take out both Danny and the Candlemaker, Maura Lee Karupt using her Morris Wilson voice to tell Dorothy to get back inside her trailer, Maura Lee realizing that she and her friends can't change the world unless they leave their safe space with Danny, that awkward moment when Maura Lee assumes an ally is adding hateful graffiti instead of getting rid of it, the epilogue teasing more of the "Immortus will rise" subplot, Dorothy telling Casey that she brought her into the real world from a comic book, Casey freezing in battle against her father Torminox, my theory on who the mystery artist is, Maura Lee repeatedly butchering Torminox's name, our favorite quotes from the episode, some new Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Steve Sigmund, Nik joining me on Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast to discuss the film 8 1/2, our upcoming discussion of "Youth Patrol", and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Youth Patrol", the fifth episode of Doom Patrol Season 4, on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!

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