Wednesday, November 30, 2022

TITANTALK 080: "Inside Man" Is Up!

"So, how do we stop this thing?"
"Well, I am gonna have to consult the only person capable of handling a snake of this magnitude -- Samuel L. Jackson."
-- Dick Grayson and Jinx, Titans: "Inside Man"

Hello again, Titans fans! DJ Nik and I are back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we discuss "Inside Man", the fifth episode of Titans Season 4, featuring Ryan Potter as Beast Boy/Garfield Logan, Joshua Orpin as Superboy/Conner Kent, Franka Potente as Mother Mayhem, and Joseph Morgan as Sebastian Sanger!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like the 0-0 score between the US and England in the World Cup, Titans being consistent...in a bad way, Gar becoming GARVID-19, Titans wasting episodes and not driving the main plotline forward, Beast Boy finally getting the spotlight, some comics background on The Red, our "Lex Luthor is inside Superboy's body" theory looking less likely, Possessed Conner calling out Dick Grayson about Hawk's death, Gar's braveness in transforming himself into a virus that could get stuck in Conner's body, Titans' inconsistent depiction of Dick Grayson's characterization, Tim's impulsive decision to go after the Magic Snake, wondering if we're getting an appearance by John Constantine, Gar hugging Bernard while dripping with goo, Tim replacing Gar as the junior member of the team who isn't taken seriously, Bernard being the Alfred Pennyworth of the Titans, my hoping that Jinx won't betray the Titans, wondering how the Tamaraneans set up the Elko Diner chain restaurants and who's running the chain, Mother Mayhem praying to Trigon because she can't get ahold of Sebastian, Sebastian willingly going with Mother Mayhem to protect Rachel, Kory not being down with killing Sebastian for Zadira, Kory's vision of the birthday party for her daughter with Dick Grayson, destiny vs. free will, Rachel's upcoming conflict of taking her powers back, never getting to see Gar transform, Mother Mayhem catching heat from her acolytes for not turning Sebastian into Brother Blood before the Blood Moon ends, the Trigon Koi Pond, Mother Mayhem sacrificing Gina to get a power boost, our favorite quotes of the episode, finally getting to see Joseph Morgan play Brother Blood, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Brother Blood", the sixth episode of Titans Season 4, on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!

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