Wednesday, November 23, 2022

GHOSTWOOD 120: "Rear Window" Is Up!

"We’ve become a race of Peeping Toms. What people ought to do is get outside their house and look in for a change."
-- Stella, Rear Window

It is happening again...My amazing co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we begin our retrospective of The Films That Inspired David Lynch by discussing Rear Window, the 1954 mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, featuring Jimmy Stewart as L.B. "Jeff" Jefferies, Grace Kelly as Lisa Fremont, and Raymond Burr as Lars Thorwald!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like the miles not coming off Xan's car, both of thinking Rear Window is Alfred Hitchcock's best film, Xan's family tradition of watching Rear Window when you're sick, recording more than one movie on VHS back in the '80s, the porn industry dictating video formats, Anthony Perkins saving Psycho II, our friend Rachel Frend hating It's a Wonderful Life, Thelma Ritter's four Best Supporting Actress nominations in a row that she never won, Stella having zero filter and not being afraid of talking about something gruesome, Raymond Burr as the original Perry Mason and the American in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the original short story "It Had to Be Murder" by Cornell Woolrich, David Lynch's quotes on Rear Window, the decision to build working apartments and a drainage system for the Greenwich Village courtyard, the Thalberg Award being the Consolation Oscar, Alfred Hitchcock coming on to Tippi Hedren's daughter, Lisa telling Jeff that he's being too risky with his job as a photographer, Jeff using his job as reason not to commit to their relationship, Hitchcock working from Jeff's "apartment", Stella taking on the role of Jeff's Jewish mother, Lisa being mortified by Stella's bluntness about the murder, Thorwald's dick move by killing the dog, Lisa's terribly unsubtle job at pointing out Mrs.Thorwald's wedding ring to Jeff, Ms. Lonelyhearts' suicide attempt, wondering why Thorwald didn't close his eyes to lunge at Jeff, Lisa reading Beyond the Himalayas by Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas until Jeff falls asleep, comparing and contrasting David Lynch and Alfred Hitchcock, some Ghostwood feedback from Nick Alexander, The Godfather being the gold standard of mafia movies, our upcoming discussion of The Silence of the Lambs on Gold Standard: The Oscars Podcast, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, Xan and I paying tribute to the late Kevin Conroy on Drunk Cinema, our upcoming discussion of Sunset Boulevard, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 121, as Xan and I continue our retrospective of films that inspired David Lynch by discussing Sunset Bouelvard, the 1950 dark comedy film noir directed by Billy Wilder, featuring William Holden as Joe Gillis, Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, and Erich von Stroheim as Max von Mayerling!

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