Monday, September 13, 2021

TITANTALK 064: "51%" Is Up!

"Guys, relax. If I was going to gas you, you'd already be laying on the floor, peeling your skin off, starting with your eyelids."
-- Dr. Jonathan Crane, Titans: "51%"

Hello again, Titans fans!  My co-host DJ Nik and I are back with a brand-new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we discuss "51%", the seventh episode from Titans Season 3, plus a special advance review of Titans United #1, the first issue of the new DC Comics series featuring characters shown on the Titans TV series!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like getting an advance copy of Titans United #1 from DC Comics, still not getting any Raven and Donna Troy halfway through Season 3, the Titans finally suiting up and being the Titans, Blackfire getting her costume with boob armor, the shoutout to animated Batman Kevin Conroy, some comics background on Oracle, wondering if Titans' Oracle AI was a nod to Brother Eye from the comics, Dick trying to persuade Barbara to use Oracle to track down Scarecrow, the illegal Oracle AI being housed underneath the Gotham City Police Headquarters, wondering why the NSA didn't take Oracle for themselves, Barbara helping Scarecrow by destroying the Oracle AI that was used by Batman to defeat Scarecrow, my preference for Barbara Gordon as Dick Grayson's love interest, every mob boss' son being named Michael, that awkward moment when Starfire and Blackfire bring back Valeska Knox's son only for her to kill him, that awkward moment when Starfire killed Valeska before getting the information they came to get from her, not buying Blackfire's story that she killed their parents in self-defense and wants Kory to rule with her to keep the Tamaraneans happy, Superboy being completely smitten with Blackfire, Jason being surprised that Scarecrow isn't pissed at him for stealing his product, Scarecrow slipping Jason a poisoned anti-fear inhaler, Vincent Kartheiser's Scarecrow having a Charles Manson vibe, wondering what happened to Lady Vic, Gar being a detective while Dick Grayson is off snogging Babs, Will Graham on the Hannibal TV series, wondering if Red Hood will turn on Scarecrow like Darth Vader turned on Emperor Palpatine, our favorite quotes of the episode, Titans United editor Michael McCalister belonging to the original TitanTalk, our non-spoiler thoughts on Titans United #1, new email from Steve Siegmund, Xan Sprouse returning to Ghostwood and Drunk Cinema, and more!

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And hey, we now have an official TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast t-shirt and merch featuring our updated logo, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE! Support the show by grabbing some TitanTalk gear to enjoy while listening to our discussions of Titans and Doom Patrol!

Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Home", the eighth episode from Titans Season 3, right here on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!

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