Friday, March 22, 2024

DOCTOR WHO Series 14/Season 1 Trailer Brings Back the Fifteenth Doctor & Ruby Sunday

Time may change him, but you can't trace time.

Disney+ and the BBC have released the first full trailer for Doctor Who Series 14, or the new Season 1, depending on your point of view. After their debut last Christmas in "The Church on Ruby Road", Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson return for their season as the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday.

The two-minute trailer opens with the TARDIS sliding into UNIT's new headquarters in London, which first appeared in the third 60th Anniversary Special, "The Giggle." After the TARDIS comes to a screeching halt, the Doctor opens the door and exuberantly shouts, "Give me the loving!"

We then get some fleeting moments from "The Church on Ruby Road", recalling when Ruby first met the Doctor and entered the TARDIS before two embarked on new adventures throughout time and space. As snippets of "Changes" by David Bowie begin to play, we see the Doctor in Regency Era garb standing next to a hologram of one of his previous incarnations, the Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant.

The Doctor and Ruby stop off in the prehistoric past, where we see them gazing down at dinosaurs. Ruby asks the Doctor, "What if I change history by stepping on a butterfly?"

"Well, that's not gonna happen, is it?" he replies.

The next thing we see, Ruby does indeed step on a monarch butterfly and suddenly transforms into a sort of butterfly version of herself. "What's wrong?" she asks, unaware of what just happened. The Doctor gulps awkwardly.

The Doctor then says in a voiceover, "With all my adventures, I've never seen anything like this before." We see a new space station, followed by three Regency Era women, including Indira Varma as a new character called the Duchess, turning into bird-like aliens.

In another scene from the Regency Era episode, the Doctor and Ruby attended a formal gathering, with Ruby exclaiming, "Oh, my Bridgerton...This place is completely mad."

More fleeting images follow of an old woman screaming, Jinkx Monsoon's musical villain, and Ruby firing a BFG. We hear a voiceover from UNIT's Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) saying, "Things seem to be turning more and more supernatural" as we see a face and hands trying to claw out of a circular sheet of stretchable rubber or plastic.

We then see a glass shatter atop a newspaper with the headline "KHRUSHCHEV THREATENS FINLAND", a reference to the Note Crisis from 1961. The Doctor and Ruby are then startled by something, which causes Ruby to ask, "Is that a monster?"

The Doctor replies, "No, don't be silly, there's no such things as monsters, it's just creatures you haven't met yet." As the creatures roar, the two shriek and begin running in the opposite direction.

Next, we see a dust cloud, possibly from an explosion, fill a downtown city street, followed by the Doctor, Kate and Rose Noble (Yasmin Finney) entering a vaulted room at UNIT headquarters. The Doctor says in a voiceover, "There are powers beyond the universe so vast...the whole world could slide into the pit."

We see the Doctor screaming in rage out into space from opened TARDIS doors and a clock striking midnight, followed by the TARDIS console erupting in sparks and a completely devastated London while the Doctor and Ruby are in 1960s attire. The Doctor tries to comfort Ruby, who is crying at the sight. "This is what we're trying to stop," adds the Doctor.

We cut to a shot of Ruby's mom, Carla Sunday (Michelle Greenidge), hugging Ruby as she tells the Doctor in a voiceover, "I'm still her mom. I need to know she'll be okay. You'll keep her safe?" This is followed by a glimpse of Ruby in '60s attire wrapped around in musical notes.

The Doctor takes Carla's hand and replies reassuringly, "I will keep her safe, I promise."

Next, we glimpse the Doctor turning on a light underneath a set of old and dusty stairs as Ruby tries to shield her eyes from the glare. Ruby begins in a voiceover, "It's taken me all this time--"

Suddenly, we cut to fleeting images of Ruby in various points during her life.

"-- to realize what I'm meant to do," she finishes. "I'm going to save the world!"

The Doctor remarks in another voiceover, "Everything is possible," followed by a quick shot of several 1960s girls holding umbrellas and dancing as water pours down inside the hallway of a building.

"Everything is possible," he reiterates as we see an abandoned-looking TARDIS covered in dirt and flora atop a cliffside. This is followed by closing images of the Doctor and former companion Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) wearing helmets while on Mel's motorbike, and the Doctor, in '60s attire, winking at the camera.

If you'd like to view the new Doctor Who trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official Doctor Who YouTube channel...

Doctor Who returns to Disney+ and the BBC for Series 14/Season 1 on May 10th (US) and May 11th (UK).

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