Friday, November 17, 2023

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 300: "An Unearthly Child" Is Up!

"Let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard, it can move anywhere in time and space?"
-- Ian Chesterton, Doctor Who: "An Unearthly Child"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with our big 300th episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! In this celebration of Doctor Who's 60th anniversary, we're joined by special guest DJ Nik to discuss "An Unearthly Child", the very first Doctor Who serial from Season One in 1963, introducing William Hartnell as the First Doctor, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, and Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like Jesse holding off on watching his Texas Rangers clinch the World Series to record our 300th episode, my saving "An Unearthly Child" for a special episode, our 300th episode being in the same month as Doctor Who's 60th anniversary, Jesse Jackson being the Godfather of Podcasting, a Next Stop News Flash about finally getting the airdates for the 60th Anniversary Specials and the six Tales of the TARDIS episodes, Nik joining us to discuss the 60th Anniversary Specials, some background on Doctor Who's creation, the show's launch being overshadowed by the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, the original character description of the Doctor as a "suspicious and malign character" with a "secret intention to destroy or nullify the future", the actors who almost played the First Doctor, the original versions of the Doctor's companions, the original plans to open with a serial titled "The Giants", Nik's dad pointing out that the formula on Ian's blackboard was wrong, Ian and Barbara worrying that the Doctor was someone keeping Susan prisoner in his junkyard, the first episode of the serial being so much better than the remaining three episodes, the central mystery of why the Doctor and Susan left Gallifrey in a stolen TARDIS still being unrevealed after 60 years, Susan's characterization being poorly written by male writers in the 1960s, the introduction of the Doctor as an angry and abrasive figure, the Doctor mocking Ian for being close-minded about time travel, Za really wanting to make fire because he really wants to be leader of the Tribe of Gum, the Doctor smoking a pipe for the first and only time, the Doctor easily tricking Kal into revealing his bloody stone knife, Susan tricking the Tribe with flaming skulls, our favorite quotes of the serial, new feedback from Sandi from Oregon, Dave Proctor and Holly Mac, our thanks to everyone who have supported us for 300 episodes, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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We have a Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our previous logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HERE!  This spiffy shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back toward the end of November for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I are joined once again by special guest companion DJ Nik as we discuss "The Star Beast", the first Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special, featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, the return of Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, and the final appearance of Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott!

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