Sunday, January 29, 2023

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 282: "The Keys of Marinus" Is Up!

"Arbitan, where are you?"
"That is not important. If you help me find the Keys of Marinus, I will let you have access to your machine when you have delivered all the keys to me. If not, you will stay on the island without food or water. The choice is yours."
"Choice?! What choice?!"
-- Ian Chesterton and Arbitan, Doctor Who: "The Keys of Marinus"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! This time, we're joined by special guest companion DJ Nik to discuss "The Keys of Marinus", the fifth serial from Doctor Who Season One in 1964, featuring William Hartnell as the First Doctor, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, and Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like Jesse not wanting to talk about the Dallas Cowboys, Nik and I competing over which of our NHL teams is more garbage than the other, our discussing three Hartnell Era stories in a row, even Carole Ann Ford being fed up with Susan being whiny and crying all the time, Nik watching all of Doctor Who from start to finish, Nik jumping ahead and watching "The Aztecs" again as well, the two Doctor Who serials that Terry Nation wrote which weren't Dalek stories, the episode structure of "The Keys of Marinus", the "Key to Time" season being similar to "The Keys of Marinus", "The Keys of Marinus" replacing "Dr. Who and the Hidden Temple" by Malcolm Hulke, Terry Nation using existing words for location and character names in the story, Nation's backstory for the Voord and Arbitan that was never explained on-screen, Nation's original script revealing the reason why the Doctor and Susan had been on 1963 Earth at the start of "An Unearthly Child", William Hartnell skipping Episodes 3 and 4 to go on holiday, Ian and Barbara probably being more romantically involved if this story was made in the Modern Era, Arbitan being too eager to control people with the Conscience of Marinus, the shocking moment of Vasor attempting to rape Barbara, wondering how Barbara was already wearing a custom-made dress and being fed a plate of grapes in Morphoton after only arriving shortly before the Doctor, Ian and Susan, Barbara stepping up as MVP to see through the hypnotic illusion of Morphoton and smash the Brains of Morphoton, Barbara Wright as Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate, the stock footage and classic movie sound effects for the wolves, Aydan abusing his wife Kala, the Voord being ninjas in scuba suits, our favorite quotes of the story, my Reverse the Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Dave Proctor, Sandi from Oregon and Holly Mac, talking Nik into joining us for "The Aztecs" as well, and more!

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We have a Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our previous logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HERE!  This spiffy shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in two weeks for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I are joined by special guest companion DJ Nik to discuss "The Aztecs", the sixth serial from Doctor Who Season One in 1964, featuring William Hartnell as the First Doctor, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, and Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman!

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