Tuesday, February 8, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 022: "Airplane!" Is Up!

"Can you fly this plane and land it?"
"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious...and don't call me Shirley."
Dr. Rumack and Ted Striker, Airplane!

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Airplane!, the 1980 air disaster comedy film directed by Jim Abrahams and the Zucker Brothers, featuring Robert Hays as Ted Striker, Julie Hagerty as Elaine Dickinson, Leslie Nielsen as Dr. Rumack, and Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan and I enjoying a winter stormy night, Stephen Stucker in The Kentucky Fried Movie, Jive being the '70s version of AAVE, the Zucker Brothers making Airplane! a comedic version of the 1957 movie Zero Hour!, the Airport film series, Robert Hays as Tony Stark in the 1994 Iron Man animated series, Leslie Nielsen being the breakout character and his portrayal of Frank Drebin in Police Squad! and The Naked Gun, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar being a really interesting person, the Red Zone vs. the White Zone, William Shatner in Airplane II: The Sequel, the flashback parodies of Saturday Night Fever and From Here to Eternity, the cameo appearance of James Hong, Elaine giving oral to Otto the balloon autopilot, the line to slap Mrs. Hammen, Xan liking Miller High Life, where the phrase "Win one for the Gipper" comes from, Howard Hesseman as Dr. Johnny Fever on WKRP in Cincinnati, Airplane! being pitched as "Animal House on a plane" to get studio execs to understand it was a comedy, alternate casting for Ted Striker and Dr. Rumack, my accidentally spoiling The Book of Boba Fett for Xan, Xan and Chris celebrating the Romanian holiday Mărțișor, Xan and I celebrating Valentine's Day by discussing Superman II, Xan watching Catholic School Girls in Trouble, General Zod being Terence Stamp's best role, and more!

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 023, as Xan and I watch Superman II, the 1981 superhero film directed by Richard Lester, featuring Christopher Reeve as Superman/Clark Kent, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, and Terence Stamp as General Zod!

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