Tuesday, January 18, 2022

First MOON KNIGHT Trailer Teases First Look at Khonshu

The Fist of Khonshu is ready to embrace the chaos.

At long last, Marvel Studios has released the first full trailer for Moon Knightthe upcoming Disney+ TV series staring Oscar Isaac and based on the Marvel Comics superhero.

The 2-minute trailer opens with Steven Grant (Isaac) suffering from insomnia and fiddling with a Rubik's Cube while a voiceover has him call a company called Sleeping Awake to leave a message.

"I have a sleeping disorder," he says in a British accent. "I can't tell the difference between my waking life and dreams." As the insomnia continues, the Sleeping Awake message plays over and over until suddenly, he wakes up screaming from the nightmare and bolts from his bed, only to find that he has chained himself to the bed by his ankle.

As the song "Day ‘N’ Nite (Nightmare) - DCC Remix" by Kid Cudi begins to play, we see Steven struggling with his inability to sleep. "I'm losin' it," he says in a voiceover as we see him falling asleep on a bus heading to a museum holding an exhibit on Ancient Egypt.

"Real catch you are," replies his gift shop co-worker Donna. "You're bloody useless, Stevie."

"It's Steven," he corrects, but Donna simply laughs at him.

Later, as Steven begins to see flickering images of himself in the mirror as Moon Knight, a brief flash at the 45-second mark reveals Khonshu, Marvel's Egyptian god of the moon, observing Steven from across a darkened hallway. Khonshu begins to approach the panicked Steven as he backs into an elevator, but the figure turns into an elderly woman who sarcastically thanks him for not holding the door open.

Huddled on the floor, Steven meekly explains, "Lost a contact lens."

"Hope you find it," replies the woman.

Next, we see Steven discover a mysterious old flip phone with some sort of access key. When answered, the phone screen shows an 8-bit imagine of a crocodile and the words "Unknown Caller".

On the phone, a woman called Layla exclaims, "Oh, my God, you're alive?! What's wrong with you, Marc?!"

Puzzled, Steven replies, "Why did you call me Marc?"

We cut to Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), who appears to be the leader of a cult in this TV version. "It must be very difficult," he says in a voiceover as his followers all kneel to the ground beside Steven/Marc. "The voices in your head. There's chaos in you."

In a separate scene, we see Steve suddenly realize he's driving a truck with a gun in his hand as another man (unconscious or dead) falls out the back door.

Fleeting images of Steven struggling with his mental state follow, with Arthur Harrow saying in a voiceover, "Embrace the chaos."

In another scene, we see Steven being enshrouded in mystical mummy-like bandages that form his Moon Knight costume. We cut to a scene of Moon Knight pummeling someone over and over, followed by Moon Knight turning toward the camera and coming right at it with bright, glowing eyes.

If you'd like to check out the Moon Knight trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official Marvel Entertainment account on YouTube...

Moon Knight premieres March 30, 2022 on Disney+.

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