Monday, December 6, 2021

THE FANDOM ZONE 227: "Echoes" Is Up!

"There are several reasons why I'd never wear a flashy costume. My job is to be, Number One, a ghost. Number Two, my wife would divorce me if I put something like this on. And Number Three, I'm not a role model."
-- Clint Barton to Kate Bishop, Hawkeye: "Echoes"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "Echoes", the third episode of the Disney+ series Hawkeye, featuring Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, Zahn McClarnon as William Lopez, and the introduction of Alaqua Cox as Echo/Maya Lopez!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like what the deal is with directors Bert & Bertie, Hawkeye originally being planned as a movie, finally getting an episode that feels like the Matt Fraction/David Aja Hawkeye comics, the Die Hard with a Vengeance vibe, some comics background on Echo and the reference to the cherry red Dodge Challenger, the possible tease of the Kingpin as Echo's mysterious "Uncle", Nik wondering if the references to dragons connect to Shang-Chi, the "useless" USB arrow, the foreshadowing imagery of William Lopez leaving a bloody handprint on Maya's face as he died, the Pym Particle arrow, director Paul Greengrass' fondness of Shakycam, Kate throwing shade at the band Imagine Dragons, wondering if Clint was actually the person in the Ronin suit that killed Echo's father, Clint not knowing enough ASL to hold a conversation with Maya, Maya's Electra Complex obsession with getting vengeance for her father, Kazi's friendship with Maya, Kate interpreting during Nate's phone call to Clint, Kate seeing Clint as a surrogate father figure, wondering if Kate has figured out that Clint was Ronin, our love of classic swordfighting movies, our favorite quotes of the episodes, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Holly from Wisconsin, Dave Proctor and Jesse Jackson, Nik returning to Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 228 as DJ Nik and I discuss Episode 4 of Hawkeye, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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