Saturday, December 8, 2018

TITANTALK 015: "Donna Troy" is Up!

"You know, when Diana took me in, she showed me how to fill the hole that fire left in my life with love and with family.  That’s just what the Amazons do.  They have a tradition of empowerment and self-discovery.  Bruce filled that hole in your life the only way he knew how – with rage and violence.  Wonder Woman was born to protect the innocent and Batman was created to punish the guilty.  But we’re not them, either one of us."
-- Donna Troy to Dick Grayson, Titans: "Donna Troy"

Hello again, Titans fans!  My fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Donna Troy", the eighth episode of the DC Universe series Titans, introducing Conor Leslie as Donna Troy, and featuring Andi Hubick as Young Donna Troy and Tomaso Sanelli as Young Dick Grayson!


In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like the expectations for Donna Troy's debut on Titans, Titans Season One being setup for a long game, The Man in the High Castle, wanting a Teen Titans spinoff series with Young Dick and Donna, Conor Leslie as Donna Troy, Dick and Donna's younger brother/older sister relationship, seeing this Dick Grayson as a social introvert, Dick being more relaxed around Donna than the other Titans, Donna realizing she could do more good as Donna Troy than as Wonder Girl, the Easter eggs of Donna as a photographer and the fire from her childhood, wondering if the classic New Teen Titans story "Who Is Donna Troy?" will be adapted for Titans, Dick trying to keep up with Donna after she leaps over a truck, Donna having a beer with Dick to get a handle on who he is right now, my wife Lori thinking Conor Leslie's Donna Troy is "promising", Killdeer, Ohio not existing in real life, wondering if this version of Angela is setting Rachel up, Rachel making her mom breakfast, Angela wanting Rachel to grow up with a mom, Titans dancing around the name of Rachel's father Trigon, Kory possibly moving away from disco music to AC/DC, the tease of Kory escaping in a spaceship, Donna being able to translate Kory's Tamaranean language, Dick and Kory having an actual relationship beyond hot sex, our favorite quotes of the episode, Conor Leslie being a real-life photographer, the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle being developed as a movie, new feedback from Michael Rotton and DJ Nik in Milan, Italy, and more!

If you'd like to check out episodes of TitanTalk, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 016 as Jesse and I discuss "Hank and Dawn", the ninth episode of the new DC Universe series Titans, featuring the secret origin of Alan Ritchson as Hawk and Minka Kelly as Dove, and the introduction of Elliot Knight as Don Hall, the original Dove!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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