Tuesday, April 26, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 241: "The Tomb" Is Up!

"Like, if they just sprang to life right now and asked me a riddle for passage, I'd be thrilled. I'd shit myself, but I'd be thrilled."
-- Steven Grant, Moon Knight: "The Tomb"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Tomb", the fourth episode of the Marvel series Moon Knight, featuring Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, and May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik and I longing for English fish and chips, Joseph Millson as Alan Jackson on The Sarah Jane Adventures, the episode's Indiana Jones/Allan Quatermain vibe, May Calamawy being Moon Knight's secret weapon, my love for the abrupt shift into weirdness, the Twin Peaks episode "Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer", some comics background on Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood's storyline where Marc is locked up in a psychiatric hospital, some background on the Egyptian hippo goddess Tawaret, some historical background on Alexander the Great, Layla's potential threeway with Marc and Steven, the stakes being raised with Khonshu off the board, the refreshing role reversal of having Layla being the action hero and Steven being the booksmart one, why you shouldn't mess with Layla, Steven being more assertive about making moves on Layla, wondering if Layla is attracted to Steven or just turned on by seeing a different side of Marc, Arthur Harrow trying to divide Layla from Marc with the revelation that Marc witnessed her father's murder, the reality shift to the psychiatric hospital, our thoughts on who's in the second sarcophagus, the introduction of Tawaret, our favorite quotes of the episode, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Dave Proctor, Jesse Jackson and Holly Mac, the return of Jesse as Captain Grumpy, the Illinois Nazis in The Blues Brothers, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 242 as DJ Nik and I discuss the fifth episode of Moon Knight, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Monday, April 25, 2022

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 261: "Legend of the Sea Devils" Is Up!

"I mean, that's the problem with history, never anything like the books. Same as Stephen King movies."
-- The Thirteenth Doctor, Doctor Who: "Legend of the Sea Devils"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast! This time, we're joined by special guest companion DJ Nik to discuss "Legend of the Sea Devils", the 2022 Doctor Who Easter Special, featuring Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, Mandip Gill as Yasmin "Yaz" Khan, John Bishop as Dan Lewis, and the return of the Sea Devils!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik and I discuss things like talking non-traditional pirates, continuing the tradition of Nik returning to discuss new Doctor Who episodes, the new 2022 Fall Special trailer featuring the return of Janet Fielding and Sophie Aldred as Tegan and Ace, wondering how Ashad the Lone Cybermen survived his convincing death, Nik getting an Unforgiven vibe from the episode, some fans raising their expectations for Jodie Whittaker's penultimate episode, the "Special" episode being shorter than some regular Doctor Who episodes, the previous two appearances of the Sea Devils, some historical background on Madame Ching AKA "Zheng Yi Sao, the Thirteenth Doctor using the Eleventh Doctor's "Geronimo!" catchphrase, wondering how Yaz and the Doctor were appropriately dressed for 1807 after the TARDIS was thrown off course from four centuries later, the great final scene between the Doctor and Yaz, the unfairness of Yaz having to suppress her feelings for the Doctor after being friendzoned, Dan and Diane possibly rekindling their would-be relationship, Madame Ching taking on Ying Ki as a crewman after killing his father, hoping Dan won't follow his pelvis, Madame Ching's character suffering because she was paired up with Dan instead of the Doctor, needing more backstory with Ji-Hun, the insane grammar schools on Gallifrey, Chris Chibnall wanting his Sea Devils to be faithful to the original series, the missed opportunity of not getting a "We're gonna need a bigger boat" reference, our favorite quotes of the episode, my quick Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly from Wisconsin and Dave Proctor, talking the first War Doctor story set right after the regeneration in "The Night of the Doctor"and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

We have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in two weeks for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I discuss "Light the Flame", the first story from Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who: The War Doctor Begins -- Forged in Fire set from 2021, introducing Jonathon Carley as the War Doctor, Veronica Roberts as Ohila, and Adèle Anderson as Commodore Tamasan!

Thursday, April 21, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 026: "The Fog (1980)" Is Up!

"To the ships at sea who can hear my voice, look across the water, into the darkness. Look for the fog."
-- Stevie Wayne, The Fog (1980)

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch The Fog, the 1980 supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter and featuring Adrienne Barbeau as Stevie Wayne, Jamie Lee Curtis as Elizabeth Solley, Janet Leigh as Kathy Williams, and Hal Holbrook as Father Malone!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan and I talking Van Halen and AC/DC, Xan zeroing in on the April 21st date of The Fog, Xan owning a copy of Adrienne Barbeau's album and The Fog soundtrack on vinyl, The Fog being impossible to find on streaming services, Xan having extremely easy access to Budweiser, Stevie Wayne trying too hard as a DJ, Adrienne Barbeau as Catwoman on Batman: The Animated Series, the "Batmantis" episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, there not being any other version of Psycho, Jamie Lee Curtis as Buckaroo Banzai's mom, John Houseman as the Paper Chase Guy, John Carpenter as a composer, Nick Castle not lasting very long in the sack, various characters named after John Carpenter's collaborators, wondering what happened to Stevie's husband, why Antonio Bay shouldn't be celebrating its 100th birthday, Stevie listening to station identifications, Antonio Bay residents being way too into flannel shirts, the Ghost Lepers calling out Stevie Wayne, the 100th anniversary statue being way too small, Stevie's son jumping out of a window into the hands of a complete stranger, Antonio Bay needing to repair its potholes, Stephen King's The Fogknockers, movies not accounting for the actual weight of gold, Xan and I talking The Blues Brothers, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Drunk Cinema's Facebook Page
Drunk Cinema's Twitter Account

Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 027, as Xan and I watch The Blues Brothers, the 1980 musical comedy film directed by John Landis, featuring John Belushi as "Joliet" Jake Blues, Dan Aykroyd as Elwood Blues, Cab Calloway as Curtis, and Carrie Fisher as the Mystery Woman!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 240: "The Friendly Type" Is Up!

"Well, as far as I know, the only melody Khonshu enjoys is the sound of pain."
-- Marc Spector, Moon Knight: "The Friendly Type"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Friendly Type", the third episode of the Marvel series Moon Knight, featuring Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly, and Gaspard Ulliel as Anton Mogart!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like my Columbus Blue Jackets beating Nik's Montreal Canadiens, three writers not boding well for a script, Gaspard Ulliel dying from a brain injury following a skiing accident, Khalid Abdalla playing Dodi Fayed in The Crown, the large amount of infodump in the episode, the creative decision to show the Gods of Egypt through their human avatars, when Marvel Studios will likely reboot the Marvel Cinematic Universe to bring back characters like Captain America and Iron Man, some comics background on Anton Mogart the Midnight Man, the Easter egg of the giant clock hitting midnight, female versions of Moon Knight in Marvel Comics, the implication that Marc Spector was involved in the death of Layla's father, Marc and Steven starting to share control of Marc's body, Mr. Knight being able to turn back the night sky, the shoutout to Madripoor, Anton Mogart being the monkey in the wrench, Layla having underworld connections as a skill set, the choice of using modern Egyptian music as opposed to traditional Egyptian wailing, Marc finally starting to open up with Layla, my humble relationship tip that women prefer it when you're honest with them, Khonshu being a really bad trial prosecutor, Oscar Isaac's weird voice when acting possessed by Khonshu, wondering why Layla didn't download an astronomy app on her iPad instead of getting Khonshu turned into a small stone statue, Khonshu's version of the Bat Signal, wanting to see a solo Moon Knight movie, the Dead Boy Detectives TV series getting picked up by HBO Max, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Jesse Jackson and Holly Mac, Nik returning to Next Stop Everywhere to discuss "Legend of the Sea Devils", and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- RIGHT HERE
The Fandom Zone on Twitter -- @FandomZoneCast
The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 241 as DJ Nik and I discuss the fourth episode of Moon Knight, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 260: "The Sea Devils" Is Up!

"Once they see that the device works properly, they'll release me."
"I very much doubt it. You see, before you reactivated it, I reversed the polarity of the neutron flow."
"You did what?! You realize what will happen?!"
"Oh, yes. Do you?"
"Well, there'll be a massive reverse feedback into their whole power system."
"Exactly. In about ten minutes from now, the whole place should go up. Enjoy your revenge."
-- The First Master and the Third Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Sea Devils"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we discuss "The Sea Devils", the third serial from Doctor Who Season 9 in 1972, featuring Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor, Katy Manning as Jo Grant, Roger Delgado as the First Master, and the introduction of the Sea Devils!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like wondering if Skype can record by candlepower, my Cleveland Guardians and Jesse's Texas Rangers starting the new baseball season, more with Jesse and Classic Era story pacing, Donald Sumpter as Maester Luwin on Game of Thrones, "The Sea Devils" being the first story where the Doctor and the Master are mentioned to formerly be friends, the Season 9 story order, the Doctor admitting that the Silurians shouldve been called the Eocenes, "The Sea Devils" being one of only two stories where the full "Reverse the Polarity" line is delivered, the 11 TV stories in the entire history of Doctor Who where the TARDIS isn't featured, the British Royal Navy waving fees on the use of stock footage after being happy with the positive publicity, director Michael Briant receiving a visit from two Naval Intelligence officials concerned about where the visual effects team got the plans for the model of a prototype submarine, Jon Pertwee being the only member of the production team who didn't get seasick while making "The Sea Devils", the Brigadier's assault on the Silurians affecting the Doctor's attempt to broker peace with the Sea Devils, the Doctor having a case of the Mad Munchies, Jo getting to rescue the Doctor for a change, Robert Walker being a complete douche, Robert Walker thinking he's the only one who can solve the situation with the Sea Devils, Robert Walker showing that he's actually a big ol' coward, "Warriors of the Deep" not being a good story, the Master pretending to still be a prisoner, George Trenchard collaborating with the Master, the Master having a latex mask of himself handy just in case he needed to escape, wondering where the Master got all the stuff in his prison cell, Robbins making money off the Doctor and Jo, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly from Wisconsin and Dave Proctor, my appreciation for Jesse writing in to The Fandom Zone, my recent appearance on The Fiveish Fangirls podcast to discuss the 10th anniversary of Marvel's The Avengers, the Sea Devil's upcoming first appearance in the Modern Era, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

We have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in just ONE week for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I discuss "Legend of the Sea Devils", the 2022 Doctor Who Easter Special, featuring Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, Mandip Gill as Yasmin "Yaz" Khan, John Bishop as Dan Lewis, and the return of the Sea Devils!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 239: "Summon the Suit" Is Up!

"Oy, Steve...What the hell are we wearing?"
"I don't know. She said I needed a suit."
"Yeah, the ceremonial armor from Khonshu's temple, not Psycho Colonel Sanders."
-- Marc Spector and Steven Grant, Moon Knight: "Summon the Suit"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "Summon the Suit", the second episode of the Marvel series Moon Knight, featuring Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, and introducing May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik wearing an "Incredible" t-shirt, Netflix cancelling Archive 81 after only one season, Loonies being the Moon Knight fanbase name, my reaction to the unfaithful TV depiction of Mr. Knight, some comics background on Mr. Knight, the distinction between the comics and TV versions of Moon Knight's costume, Mr. Knight representing Steven's version of Moon Knight, Steven going from bad to worse, the return of Crawley the living statue, wondering how long Steven has actually "existed", Steven asking Arthur Harrow if Ammit would kill a kid for something he did 30 years down the line, the Doctor Who story "Genesis of the Daleks", wondering if Marc is lying to Steven about leaving for good once he's repaid his debt to Khonshu, the introduction of Layla El-Faouly as Marc Spector's wife, wondering if Layla will become the first female Moon Knight by the show's end, Arthur's revelation that he was Khonshu's avatar before Marc, Khonshu being kicked out of the Egyptian Pantheon Club, our love of the Khonshu CGI, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Jesse Jackson, Holly Mac and Dave Proctor, my soapbox rant about fandom wanting things to stay like they remember from childhood, my recent appearance on Nik's Gold Standard: The Oscars Podcast to discuss The Godfather Part II, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- RIGHT HERE
The Fandom Zone on Twitter -- @FandomZoneCast
The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 240 as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Friendly Type", the third episode of Moon Knight, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

GHOSTWOOD 111: "The Man with One Red Shoe" Is Up!

"I'm not well, you know."
-- Morris, The Man with One Red Shoe

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Man with One Red Shoe, the 1985 spy comedy film directed by Stan Dragoti, starring Jim Belushi as Morris, David L. Lander as Stemple, Tom Hanks as Richard Drew, and Dabney Coleman as Burton Cooper!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan getting a care package of snacks, Xan having the Thomas Newman soundtrack that was released 33 years after the movie, how we rank the Vacation movies, the original 1972 French film The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe, my prom memory involving Chris de Burgh's song "The Lady in Red", Jim Belushi and the Dick Ebersol years of Saturday Night Live, the Twin Peaks wannabe TV miniseries Wild Palms, Twin Peaks being lightning in a bottle, early Tom Hanks movies, VR.5 and other '90s Fox sci-fi TV shows, Tom Noonan not liking anything Xan likes him in, David Ogden Stiers as one of Lwaxana Troi's love interests, Lori Singer looking damn good in a backless dress that shows off her butt crack, Carrie Fisher's character Paula liking freaky Tarzan roleplay sex, the CIA guys going through Richard's apartment hooking the plumbing back up wrong, the D.C. traffic car chase, the one hilarious scene in this movie, Xan's love for the movie Mannequin, trying to think of a better Jim Belushi comedy than this movie, my recent appearance on Gold Standard: The Oscars Podcast to discuss The Godfather Part II, the two Twin Peaks actors in The Journey of Natty Gann, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in two weeks, as Xan and I continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Journey of Natty Gannthe 1985 adventure film directed by Jeremy Kagan, starring Ray Wise as Sol Gann, Don S. Davis as Railroad Brakeman, Meredith Salenger as Natty Gann, and John Cusack as Harry!

Friday, April 8, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 025: "Galaxy Quest" Is Up!

"By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings."
-- Alexander Dane, Galaxy Quest

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Galaxy Questthe 1999 science fiction comedy film directed by Dean Parisot, featuring Tim Allen as Jason Nesmith, Sigourney Weaver as Gwen DeMarco, Alan Rickman as Alexander Dane, and Sam Rockwell as Guy Fleegman!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan going to see Morris Day and the Time, why Purple Rain would not be a great film to discuss on Drunk Cinema, my 25th wedding anniversary, Xan being legally ordained to marry people, Bruce Willis being diagnosed with aphasia, the Bonnie Situation from Pulp Fiction, Star Trek fans listing Galaxy Quest as the 7th best Star Trek film in 2013, Galaxy Quest being an homage to Star Trek instead of a parody, Sigourney Weaver wanting Gwen DeMarco to be a busty blonde, our social anxiety regarding comic book conventions, wishing Alan Rickman was best known for Hans Gruber in Die Hard instead of Severus Snape, Stephen Fry's "Reasons to Be Miserable" song, Neil Hannon vs. Neil Innes, making fun of Randy Newman, Justin Long and John Hodgman "Mac vs. PC" commercials, William Shatner's "Get a Life" sketch, Sarris' ship having Borg Cube lighting, the Thermians being sad for the Gilligan's Island characters, Tim Allen creating the gag about going out into an alien atmosphere without checking if its breathable, the '90s version of Skype, Guy's reaction to Fred making out with a Thermian with tentacles, the low-rent version of Marvel's The Thing, Brandon being forced by his mom to take out the trash at the worst possible moment, guns that look like a sub sandwich, Derek Jacobi as the War Master in Big Finish's Doctor Who audios, Xan and I talking to one another for 9 hours in 2 days, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Drunk Cinema's Facebook Page
Drunk Cinema's Twitter Account

Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 026, as Xan and I watch The Fog, the 1980 supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter, featuring Adrienne Barbeau as Stevie Wayne, Jamie Lee Curtis as Elizabeth Solley, Hal Holbrook as Father Malone, and Janet Leigh as Kathy Williams!

Monday, April 4, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 238: "The Goldfish Problem" Is Up!

"Oh, the idiot's in control."
-- Khonshu, Moon Knight: "The Goldfish Problem"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Goldfish Problem", the first episode of the Marvel series Moon Knight, introducing Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, F. Murray Abraham as the voice of Khonshu, and Lucy Thackeray as Donna!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like showrunner Jeremy Slater being hit or miss, director Mohamed Diab being upset about Wonder Woman 1984, whether Moon Knight lived up to the hype, wondering if Marc Spector's Jewish heritage will be addressed, Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse in X-Men: Apocalypse, my love of Spider-Man 2099, F. Murray Abraham as Ahdar Ru'afo in Star Trek: Insurrection, Ethan Hawke in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, some comics background on Moon Knight and Arthur Harrow, the Easter eggs featuring Moon Knight allies Frenchie and Bertrand Crawley, Oscar Isaac's cheesy British accent as Steven Grant, Steven Grant thinking he's a sleepwalker, Steven being a loser and incredibly lonely person, the tone of the show reminding me of the Legion TV series, Steven's dissociative identity disorder, the differences between Steven Grant and Marc Spector, Disney+ needing to upgrade its service beyond standard PG-13 fare, wondering if we'll see Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight again after these six episodes, the innocent cupcakes harmed in this episode, Khonshu's voice resembling the symbiote voice from the Venom movie, our early guesses on why the golden scarab is so important, Moon Knight pummeling the crap out of a jackal, the decision to introduce the show from Steven's perspective instead of rehashing the comics, some background on the Egyptian demon-goddess Ammit, Arthur Harrow filling his sandals with bits from a crushed shot glass, wondering if Ammit is going to empower Arthur Harrow as a match for Khonshu's Moon Knight, Arthur's scales of justice arm tattoo going tilt while trying to judge Steven, old school flip and slide phones, our favorite quotes of the episode, Stargirl casting Tim Gabriel as Obsidian, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Jesse Jackson, Holly Mac and Dave Proctor, my liking Wham's "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" as a guilty pleasure, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- RIGHT HERE
The Fandom Zone on Twitter -- @FandomZoneCast
The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 239 as DJ Nik and I discuss the second episode of Moon Knight, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 259: "Invaders from Mars" Is Up!

"And yet, you stay so slim. What's your secret?"
"Clean living. What's yours?"
"Well, every now and again, I treat myself to a complete makeover."
-- The Eighth Doctor and Glory Bee, Doctor Who: "Invaders from Mars"

Hello again, everyone!  My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Invaders from Mars", the first audio drama from Series 2 of Big Finish Productions' Eighth Doctor range in 2002, featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor, India Fisher as Charley Pollard, Simon Pegg as Don Chaney, and Jessica Stevenson as Glory Bee!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Jesse going to WrestleMania, Mark Gatiss' stories being very hit or miss, wishing "Invaders from Mars" was a TV movie, the real-life panic created by Orson Welles' broadcast of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds on Halloween 1938, Doctor Who and Spaced actors Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson, Katy Manning's cameo as a reception guest, some background on the Mercury Theatre broadcast of The War of the Worlds, the ABC TV movie The Day After, the 1953 science fiction film Invaders from Mars, the nod to actor George Coulouris, the Eighth Doctor assuming J.C. Halliday's identity to play private detective, my wanting to look for copies of Action Comics #1 if I was in 1938, the Doctor's plan to have Welles and John Houseman recreated the War of the Worlds broadcast to fool the Laiderplackers that Earth is being invaded by Martians, Charley tripping on truth serum, gangster Don Chaney showing his patriotism when he finds out that Cosmo Devine is working with the Nazis, Glory Bee as a femme fatale, the twist of Glory Bee being revealed as a Russian spy, Professor Stepashin geeking out over being the first person to create an atomic bomb, David Benson's superb vocal performance as Orson Welles, Cosmo flipping sides from the Nazis to the Laiderplackers, the alien odd couple of Noriam and Streath, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly Mac and Dave Proctor, Xan Sprouse and I discussing Galaxy Quest on Drunk Cinema, the dumb rumor of Hugh Grant being cast as the Fourteenth Doctor, tweaking the NSE schedule for "Legend of the Sea Devils", and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

We have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in two weeks for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I discuss "The Sea Devils", the third serial from Doctor Who Season 9 in 1972, featuring Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor, Katy Manning as Jo Grant, Roger Delgado as the First Master, and the first appearance of the Sea Devils!