Friday, April 8, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 025: "Galaxy Quest" Is Up!

"By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings."
-- Alexander Dane, Galaxy Quest

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Galaxy Questthe 1999 science fiction comedy film directed by Dean Parisot, featuring Tim Allen as Jason Nesmith, Sigourney Weaver as Gwen DeMarco, Alan Rickman as Alexander Dane, and Sam Rockwell as Guy Fleegman!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan going to see Morris Day and the Time, why Purple Rain would not be a great film to discuss on Drunk Cinema, my 25th wedding anniversary, Xan being legally ordained to marry people, Bruce Willis being diagnosed with aphasia, the Bonnie Situation from Pulp Fiction, Star Trek fans listing Galaxy Quest as the 7th best Star Trek film in 2013, Galaxy Quest being an homage to Star Trek instead of a parody, Sigourney Weaver wanting Gwen DeMarco to be a busty blonde, our social anxiety regarding comic book conventions, wishing Alan Rickman was best known for Hans Gruber in Die Hard instead of Severus Snape, Stephen Fry's "Reasons to Be Miserable" song, Neil Hannon vs. Neil Innes, making fun of Randy Newman, Justin Long and John Hodgman "Mac vs. PC" commercials, William Shatner's "Get a Life" sketch, Sarris' ship having Borg Cube lighting, the Thermians being sad for the Gilligan's Island characters, Tim Allen creating the gag about going out into an alien atmosphere without checking if its breathable, the '90s version of Skype, Guy's reaction to Fred making out with a Thermian with tentacles, the low-rent version of Marvel's The Thing, Brandon being forced by his mom to take out the trash at the worst possible moment, guns that look like a sub sandwich, Derek Jacobi as the War Master in Big Finish's Doctor Who audios, Xan and I talking to one another for 9 hours in 2 days, and more!

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 026, as Xan and I watch The Fog, the 1980 supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter, featuring Adrienne Barbeau as Stevie Wayne, Jamie Lee Curtis as Elizabeth Solley, Hal Holbrook as Father Malone, and Janet Leigh as Kathy Williams!

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