Thursday, April 14, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 239: "Summon the Suit" Is Up!

"Oy, Steve...What the hell are we wearing?"
"I don't know. She said I needed a suit."
"Yeah, the ceremonial armor from Khonshu's temple, not Psycho Colonel Sanders."
-- Marc Spector and Steven Grant, Moon Knight: "Summon the Suit"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "Summon the Suit", the second episode of the Marvel series Moon Knight, featuring Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, and introducing May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik wearing an "Incredible" t-shirt, Netflix cancelling Archive 81 after only one season, Loonies being the Moon Knight fanbase name, my reaction to the unfaithful TV depiction of Mr. Knight, some comics background on Mr. Knight, the distinction between the comics and TV versions of Moon Knight's costume, Mr. Knight representing Steven's version of Moon Knight, Steven going from bad to worse, the return of Crawley the living statue, wondering how long Steven has actually "existed", Steven asking Arthur Harrow if Ammit would kill a kid for something he did 30 years down the line, the Doctor Who story "Genesis of the Daleks", wondering if Marc is lying to Steven about leaving for good once he's repaid his debt to Khonshu, the introduction of Layla El-Faouly as Marc Spector's wife, wondering if Layla will become the first female Moon Knight by the show's end, Arthur's revelation that he was Khonshu's avatar before Marc, Khonshu being kicked out of the Egyptian Pantheon Club, our love of the Khonshu CGI, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Jesse Jackson, Holly Mac and Dave Proctor, my soapbox rant about fandom wanting things to stay like they remember from childhood, my recent appearance on Nik's Gold Standard: The Oscars Podcast to discuss The Godfather Part II, and more!

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And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 240 as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Friendly Type", the third episode of Moon Knight, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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