Wednesday, March 13, 2019

TITANTALK 024: "Cult Patrol" is Up!

"We don’t know where he is…or for that matter, when he’ll be back, but if you’d like to leave a message, maybe tell us who you are…"
"A message.  Sure.  How’s this?  Dear Caulder, you wanker, I need my penny you nicked, ‘cause the world’s about to fucking end...again.  Signed, your old pal, Kip."
"That’s your name?  Kip?"
"Name’s Kipling, Willoughby Kipling.  Knights Templar, in case you’re wonderin’.  Don’t suppose that means anything to either of you.  I’m very big in the world of, shall we say, international strangeness.  So go ahead, check me out.  In the meantime, I’ll be in that bag of goat shit’s office, saving the world."
-- Rita Farr and Willoughby Kipling, Doom Patrol -- "Cult Patrol"

Hello again, everyone!  My fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Cult Patrol", the fourth episode of the DC Universe series Doom Patrol, introducing Mark Sheppard as Willoughby Kipling, and featuring Lili Birdsell as Mother Archon/Martha and Ted Sutherland as Elliot!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Daylight Savings Time, Mark Sheppard in Doctor Who and Supernatural, Jesse's anecdote about Mark Sheppard at Dragon Con, Jesse wanting Cliff to wear a Bruce Springsteen t-shirt, Jane's apologetic Penny Farthing persona, Jane taking a time out and Hammerhead filling in as the dominant persona, Cliff's total cluenessness about Jane's problem with his excessive violence, Mother Archon showing Cliff and Jane how they view one another, Rita's first step toward becoming a hero, the Negative Spirit expressing its voice, the Chief being a chocoholic, Cyborg and Willoughby Kipling's debate about science vs. magic, Grant Morrison creating Willoughby Kipling because he couldn't use John Constantine, the Little Sisters of Our Lady of the Razor, Kipling ingratiating himself with the Doom Patrol while trying to kill Elliot, Janis Joplin's dental floss, Kipling's protection spell of reciting the Beatles' "Love Me Do" backward, the Cult of the Unwritten Book and the Decreator, the Dry Bachelors, the Hoodmen capturing Cliff and Jane in Nurnheim, the importance of a snowglobe on the Chief's desk, the first Grant Morrison storyline adaptation, Jane's issue with the Catholic Church, our favorite quotes of the episode, Ed Asner appearing in an upcoming Doom Patrol episode, some Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Holly in Wisconsin, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 025 as Jesse and I can discuss "Paw Patrol", the fifth episode of the DC Universe series Doom Patrol, featuring more of Mark Sheppard as Willoughby Kipling, the Decreator, and the Cult of the Unwritten Book!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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