Thursday, October 4, 2018

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 118: "The Christmas Invasion" is Up!

"See, that's the thing, I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I...I just don't know.  I literally do not know who I am.  It's all untested.  Am I...funny?  Am I sarcastic?  Sexy?  Right old misery? Life and soul?  Right-handed, left-handed, a gambler, a fighter, a coward, a traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck -- I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob!"
-- The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Christmas Invasion"

You guessed it, my partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere!  This time, we review "The Christmas Invasion", the 2005 Christmas Special featuring David Tennant's first story as the Tenth Doctor, Billie Piper as Rose Tyler, Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith, and Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler!
In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like the first Doctor Who mini-episode "Born Again", the Sci-Fi Channel finally jumping on the Doctor Who bandwagon, Doctor Who helping found BBC America, seeing David Tennant in Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor costume, the right time to tell your companion that you can regenerate, introducing the concept of regeneration to a brand-new generation of viewers, wanting to see "Born Again" edited together with "The Christmas Invasion", the new tradition of watching Doctor Who Christmas Specials, the first Doctor Who Christmas story "The Feast of Steven", the Tenth Doctor missing from most of his first episode, being optimistic about Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor being able to regenerate his severed hand, Jackie badgering the Doctor with questions, Harriet Jones (Yes, we know who you are) flipping to the Dark Side, wanting the Tenth Doctor to go to Washington, D.C., the Sycorax using blood controlmy Reverse the Polarity segment, some Series 11 news, new listener feedback from Holly from Wisconsin, teasing our upcoming show regeneration, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Google Play Music -- RIGHT HERE
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And hey, if you'd like to pick up the officially official Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for our big regeneration as Jesse and I (hopefully) are joined by our NEW partner in time, Karen Lindsay, as we review "The Woman Who Fell to Earth", the first episode from Doctor Who Series Eleven, featuring Jodie Whittaker's first story as the Thirteenth Doctor, Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair, Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan, and Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien!  Look for more of Next Stop Everywhere on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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