Friday, October 5, 2018

GHOSTWOOD 042: "May the Giant Be with You" is Up!

"Better to listen, than to talk."
"I believe you."
"Don't search for all the answers at once.  A path is formed by laying one stone at a time."
-- The Giant and Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks: "May the Giant Be with You"

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our commentary tracks as we watch "May the Giant Be with You," thTwin Peaks Season Two premiere, featuring the first appearances of Carel Struycken as The Giant, Hank Worden as The Waiter, Alicia Witt as Gersten Hayward, Mak Takano as Jonathan Kumagai, and Mark Frost as Cyril Pons!


In our latest episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan and her husband Chris' trip to affffffffricaaaaa, Weezer's "Buddy Holly" video, my theory that The Giant and The Fireman are opposites in the Black and White Lodges, Steven Spielberg almost directing Twin Peaks, what if David Lynch directed other directors' films, Xan being excited about Jordan Peele's upcoming revival of The Twilight Zone, the Great Northern Hotel needing exterminators for wood ticks, the insanely frustrating Old Waiter, David Lynch trolling Twin Peaks fans, wondering why Ben doesn't recognize his daughter Audrey's voice, fear being the mind killer, wondering if Cooper didn't have "genuine affection" for Caroline, Jerry Horne's serious dance moves, Shelly Johnson being able to move a console television, Andy smacking himself in the face with a loose wooden board, Maddy getting fed up with her glasses, Donna trying to be a bad girl like Laura, Donna coming on to James while he's behind bars, Cooper forcing Andy and Lucy to work out their issues with porn magazines, Doc Hayward being salty, Dr. Jacoby smelling engine oil, the overdone bad hospital food gag, Albert trying not to burst out laughing at Ed's story of him shooting out Nadine's eye, more uneaten doughnuts, Pete being in love with Catherine even though she's a horrible person, my hatred for Guy Fieri, the Hayward Supper Club, Harriet's depressing poem about Laura, Leland picking up the tempo, The Giant waking Cooper up, The Giant's great advice of listening and not talking, Ronette waking up from her coma and remembering Laura Palmer's murder, an email from Fred Firestine of the Psych Rewind podcast, the passing of Xan's grandma, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

iTunes -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in three weeks as Xan and I continue our commentary tracks as we watch "Coma," the second episode from Twin Peaks Season Two, featuring David Lynch's son Austin as Mrs. Tremond's grandson Pierre, Major Briggs' message for Agent Cooper, and Maddy's horrifying vision of BOB!  Look for more of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast on iTunes, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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