Saturday, November 23, 2024

DRUNK CINEMA 070: "Ed Wood" Is Up!

"Home? I have no home. Hunted... despised... living like an animal. The jungle is my home! But I will show the world that I can be its master. I shall perfect my own race of people... a race of atomic supermen that will conquer the world!"
-- Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we celebrate Drunk Cinema's 4th Anniversary and watch Ed Woodthe 1994 biographical comedy-drama directed by Tim Burton, featuring Johnny Depp as Ed Wood, Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi, Sarah Jessica Parker as Dolores Fuller, and Patricia Arquette as Kathy O'Hara!

This time, Xan and I discuss things like celebrating our fourth anniversary, Xan getting walking pneumonia, helping everyone survive the Darkest Timeline, our Loveable Weirdo Appreciation Society, Tim Burton being a patron saint of Drunk Cinema, Ed Wood being our first Johnny Depp film, Martin Landau as Rollin Hand in the original Mission: Impossible TV series, Sarah Jessica Parker on Square Pegs, Rance Howard being the father of Ron and Clint Howard, Maurice LaMarche's vocal impression of Orson Welles, Howard Shore composing the film instead of Danny Elfman, Xan extending Spooky Season, the homage to the graveyard opening credits to Plan 9 from Outer Space, Dolores Fuller writing "Rock-a-Hula Baby" for Elvis Presley, Bela Lugosi being typecast as Dracula, Xan being obsessed with the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial like it was O.J. Simpson, Ed Wood only filming one take for scenes, our mutual love for Roddy Piper's Piper's Pit segments, Max Casella being way older than his character Vinnie Delpino in Doogie Howser, M.D., Dr. Tom Mason resembling Carel Struycken more than Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood dedicating Plan 9 from Outer Space to Bela Lugosi, new Drunk Mail from Christine Peruski, Aaron Case and Dave Proctor, my upcoming story for DC Comics, our upcoming third Griffin Dunne movie, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back in two weeks as Xan and I watch After Hoursthe 1985 dark comedy directed by Martin Scorcese, featuring Griffin Dunne as Paul Hackett, Rosanna Arquette as Marcy Franklin, Verna Bloom as June, and Teri Garr as Julie!

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