Friday, January 27, 2023

DRUNK CINEMA 037: "Johnny Dangerously" Is Up!

"The name's Dangerously. Johnny Dangerously."
"Did you know your last name is an adverb?"
-- Johnny Dangerously and Lil Sheridan, Johnny Dangerously

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Johnny Dangerouslythe 1984 crime comedy directed by Amy Heckerling, featuring Michael Keaton as Johnny Kelly, Joe Piscopo as Danny Vermin, Marilu Henner as Lil Sheridan, and Maureen Stapleton as Ma Kelly!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like wanting to hook me up with a bag of grape cotton candy, wondering why we're not watching Clerks for Episode 37, the moment that destroyed many a VHS copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Xan's crush on Sean Astin, the parody movie genre, Danny Vermin being Joe Piscopo's best performance ever, Roman Moronie's intended swearing getting the movie past network TV broadcast standards, Twin Peaks veteran Jack Nance as the Death Row priest, "Weird Al" Yankovic's opening song "This Is the Life" being replaced by a version of Cole Porter's "Let's Misbehave" on the VHS home video release, Moronie continuing to murder the English language, Marilu Henner being an underrated comedic actress, the animation for "Your Testicles and You", Jocko Dundee standing there with his dork in his hand, 9-year-old Xan knowing what cross-dressing was, the Golden Age of Danny DeVito, D.A. Burr trying to get Tommy Kelly to play ball, Mrs. Al Capone stopping by to borrow a cup of bullets, my summoning Beetlejuice, Ma Kelly giving Tommy crap for sending his brother to the Big House, Johnny knowing the prison grapevine, Xan not knowing that TikTok is a Chinese-controlled app, my trying to get Xan back on Next Stop Everywhere, and more!

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 038, as Xan and I watch Mad Max: Fury Road, the 2015 post-apocalyptic action film co-written & directed by George Miller, featuring Tom Hardy as "Mad" Max Rockatansky, Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa, Nicholas Hoult as Nux, and Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe!

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