Tuesday, September 13, 2022

GHOSTWOOD 116: "Electric Dreams" Is Up!

"Sweet dreams."
"What's a dream?"
"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep."
-- Miles Harding and Edgar the Computer, Electric Dreams

It is happening again...My amazing co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of 
Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing Electric Dreams, the 1984 science fiction romantic comedy film directed by Steve Barron, starring Lenny Von Dohlen as Miles Harding, Virginia Madsen as Madeline Robistat, and Bud Cort as the voice of Edgar!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan's cat having a health scare, the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Lenny Von Dohlen getting to be a lead actor, Lenny Von Dohlen as Harold Smith on Twin Peaks, Virginia Madsen as a hot geek girl, Virginia Madsen in Class, Xan inadvertently buying a copy of Soul Man on DVD and being stuck with it, Bud Cort as the voice of The Toyman on Superman: The Animated Series, Bud Cort reminding me of Jeffrey Combs, director Steve Barron as an important director of '80s music videos, composer Giorgio Moroder, Xan's love of The Human League, the movie's dedication to the memory of UNIVAC I, Virginia Madsen having a major crush on Lenny Von Dohlen, Steve Barron hiding Bud Cort from the other actors to get a different reaction when seeing Edgar the computer, the reference to Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Edgar ripping off the CBS Television logo, '80s soundtracks featuring audio clips from the movie, Miles creating an '80s version of a smart home, Edgar becoming sentient from a bottle of champagne, '80s movies being afraid of computers taking over, Koo Stark appearing in the soap opera Edgar watches, the unusual love triangle of Miles, Madeline and Edgar, Edgar being jealous of Miles and registering him as a "armed and dangerous" criminal, that awkward moment when an elevator door closes on Madeline's cello and crushes it, my coining of the phrase "Once you've had geek, everything else looks bleak", the post-credits scene, waiting for the Lost Highway Criterion Collection release, finally scheduling our discussion of The Hudsucker Proxy, Xan eating Cheetos with chopsticks before it was referenced on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, David Lynch giving Wendy's a shout-out on Twin Peaks, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back in two weeks, as Xan and I continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Hudsucker Proxy, the 1994 comedy film directed by Joel Coen, starring Jennifer Jason Leigh as Amy Archer, Tim Robbins as Norville Barnes, and Paul Newman as Sidney J. Mussburger!

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