Tuesday, October 26, 2021

TITANTALK 070: "Purple Rain & Bird Patrol" Is Up!

"Some of us have to fight for what we get. And do stupid things along the way."
-- Blackfire, Titans: "Purple Rain"

Hello again, Titans and Doom Patrol fans! DJ Nik and I are back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we 
discuss "Purple Rain", the Titans Season 3 finale, along with "Bird Patrol", the seventh episode of Doom Patrol Season 3, featuring the Titans' showdown with the Scarecrow and Madame Rouge's betrayal of the Sisterhood of Dada!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like putting Nik back on suicide watch over his Montreal Canadiens, my looking forward to seeing Dune (2021) in an actual theater, "Purple Rain" director Chad Lowe, wondering what happened to Molly and Lady Vic, Nik wanting his money back for Titans Season 3, having three disappointing Titans finales in a row from showrunner Greg Walker, Bruce Wayne and everyone else on Titans ignoring Bruce's recent attempted suicide, Barbara's assistant Margarita Vee suddenly revealing she's a badass A.R.G.U.S. agent working with Roy Harper, Ra's al Ghul creating an artificial Lazarus Pit and placing it under Arkham Asylum as part of "a larger plan", Dick and Barbara's relationship ending, the underwhelming showdown with the Scarecrow, Beast Boy's magic clothes that suddenly appear from nowhere, Nightwing and Superboy reuniting with absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever, Jason asking Dick to apologize to the Titans for him for murdering Hank, Tim taking out Jonathan Crane with one punch, wondering why Jonathan Crane bothered cutting up his own face, wondering why "Purple Rain" didn't feature Prince's song "Purple Rain", wondering how raining Lazarus Pit water on dead people instead of immersing them in a Pit actually resurrects them, Starfire and Blackfire using their powers to somehow create a Lazarus Pit bubble, Donna Troy suddenly acting as a lightning rod even though she was electrocuted in Season 2, Bruce telling Jason that he killed the Joker for him, why Donna will return for Season 4, Dick's decision to drive to San Francisco in a RV instead of flying there, Dick inviting Tim to become the third Robin, Dick and Rachel's plan to deal with Jonathan Crane knowing everyone's identities, some comics background on fictional Flex Mentallo creator Wally Sage, Cliff watching his grandson Rory for Clara and her wife, the personas stealing Kay's bike to sabotage Kay's healing, Roni telling Vic he's an idiot for wanting to get rid of his Cyborg parts, Madame Rouge advising Larry on what to do with the 16-pound space parasite he just vomited up, Larry's inability to abandon the space parasite in the woods, Laura DeMille being pressured to reclassify the Sisterhood of Dada as weapons for the Bureau of Normalcy, Malcolm being killed during Laura's betrayal, Rita now being Team Sisterhood of Dada, our favorite quotes of the episodes, new Tell It to TitanTalk email from Steve Siegmund, and more!

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And hey, we now have an official TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast t-shirt and merch featuring our updated logo, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE! Support the show by grabbing some TitanTalk gear to enjoy while listening to our discussions of Titans and Doom Patrol!

Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Subconscious Patrol", the eighth episode from Doom Patrol Season 3, right here on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!

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