Sunday, May 16, 2021

DRUNK CINEMA 010: "Raiders of the Lost Ark" Is Up!

"You're not the man I knew ten years ago."
"It's not the years, honey.  It's the mileage.
-- Marion Ravenwood and Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark

Hey there, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema!  This time, we reopen the Drunk Cinema Theater to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark, the 1981 action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and featuring Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood, Paul Freeman as René Belloq, and John Rhys-Davies as Sallah!

In this tenth episode, Xan and I discuss things like the 40th anniversary of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Xan listening to her high school freshman band practicing the Raiders march theme, our trashing of Harrison Ford's acting resume, our banning of Renny Harlin movies, Paul Freeman in Hot Fuzz and as Ivan Ooze, Xan liking white trash guys, John Rhys-Davies as Kingpin in The Trial of the Incredible Hulk, George Harris as Kingsley Shacklebolt in Harry Potter, the other actors up for the role of Indiana Jones, the Robot Chicken sketch about the construction of the Hovitio temple traps, Lt. Eckhardt in Batman (1989), Harrison Ford's ad-lib of shooting the guy with the large scimitar, the Nazis making copies from the scar from Toht's hand, Toht's deadly collapsible coat hanger, Xan hating open-toed shoes, the stunt with Indy sliding under the moving truck carrying the Ark, Sallah singing "A British Tar", Belloq playing on Indy's archaeological curiosity, Toht's melting face, Top Men looking after the Ark, Steven Spielberg's assistant Kathleen Kennedy, some Drunk Mail from Dave Proctor, Christine Peruski hooking me up with a Clue DVD and becoming our first special guest host, and more!

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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 011, as Xan and I are joined by special guest host Christine Peruski to watch Clue, the 1985 black comedy mystery film directed by Jonathan Lynn and featuring Madeline Kahn as Mrs. White, Christopher Lloyd as Professor Plum, Michael McKean as Mr. Green, and Tim Curry as Wadsworth!

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