Tuesday, August 4, 2020

TITANTALK 056: "Space Patrol" Is Up!

"In the ‘50s, science still hadn't mastered basic rocketry so I mixed my science with…a little bit of borrowed magic."
"You know what?  I think you can solo this one, Chief.  I'm not in a rush to get stranded in space on your homebrew devil ship."
-- The Chief and Robotman, Doom Patrol: "Space Patrol"

Hello again, Doom Patrol fans!  My co-host DJ Nik and I are back for a brand-new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Space Patrol", the sixth episode from Doom Patrol Season 2, featuring Abigail Shapiro as Dorothy Spinner, Karen Obilom as Roni Evers, and the introductions of Mariana Klaveno as Negative Woman/Valentina Vostok and Samantha Marie Ware as Miranda!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like our favorite hockey teams winning a game in the NHL playoffs, Christopher Nolan stealing money from Doom Patrol for Tenet, some comics background on Negative Woman/Valentina Vostok, Valentina appearing on Legends of Tomorrow, Dorothy not being able to escape the Candlemaker on the moon, wondering how Dorothy piloted the Icarus to the moon, Cliff's softer side, Cliff being a better father than the Chief, the Chief ejecting Cliff out into space, the Candlemaker upping his own game, the Pioneers of the Uncharted being a nod to the Challengers of the Unknown, Nik having a thing for Russian girls, Valentina showing Larry his potential with the Negative Spirit, wondering if Negative Man will become Rebis in Season 3, the Pioneers of the Uncharted being part of the Chief's Immortus Initiative, Vic being blinded by love so much he's breaking the law, Vic ignoring all of Roni's warning signs, the darker side of S.T.A.R. Labs, Rita finding out her "Our Town" play is about the day Cloverton was sucked into the ground with her as the villain, Miranda coming back after presumably being destroyed when she threw herself in the well, Jane surrendering her role as Primary to Miranda, our favorite quotes of the episode, wondering if the Chief's goat head knows Baphomet, new Tell It to TitanTalk email from Holly Mac, the greatness of The Umbrella Academy Season 2, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Dumb Patrol", the seventh episode from Doom Patrol Season 2!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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