Saturday, April 11, 2020

Arthur Darvill Reprises Rory Williams for DOCTOR WHO Short "Rory's Story" Written by Neil Gaiman

"The Pretty One" returns!

Over the past few weeks in response to the need for social distancing during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 global pandemic crisis, several Doctor Who showrunners, actors, and writers have contributed to Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN, worldwide watchalong events organized by Emily Cook, a writer and editorial assistant for Doctor Who Magazine.

In the latest event, watching the 2011 episode "The Doctor's Wife", written by Neil Gaiman and starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams, Suranne Jones as Idris/The TARDIS, and Michael Sheen as the voice of House, a new 2-minute, 24-second Doctor Who short called "Rory's Story" was created as an introduction for the rewatch, which you can view here:

Written by Gaiman, "Rory's Story" features the return of Arthur Darvill as former companion Rory Wiliams, in a short tale set in 1946, eight years after he and his wife Amy had been sent back in time by the Weeping Angels in the episode "The Angels Take Manhattan".  Recording a video to his new adopted son, Anthony Brian Williams, Rory dictates his rather complicated biography until a vocal cameo by Karen Gillan as Amy Pond tells him to stop what he's doing and help her paint the baby's room.

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