Monday, October 28, 2019

TITANTALK 044: "Jericho" Is Up!

"I know Slade hasn’t been much of a dad, but these new friends of yours, the…Titans?  They seriously call themselves that?  The Titans were tragic Greek figures, got their asses handed to them by Zeus.  Who names themselves after losers?"
-- William Wintergreen to Jericho Wilson, Titans: "Jericho"

Hello again, Titans fans!  My fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Jericho", the eighth episode from Season 2 of the DC Universe series Titans, featuring Chella Man as Jericho, Esai Morales as Deathstroke, Mayko Nguyen as Adeline Kane, and Demore Barnes as William Wintergreen!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like there not being too many "fun" episodes of Titans, Titans annoying fans with too many flashback episodes, Chella Man doing a great job as Jericho, differences from Tales of the Teen Titans #44, why Rose Wilson wasn't around during "Jericho", Jericho hanging out on the beach with the original Titans, why the other original Titans besides Dove didn't feel like they needed to learn sign language, the awkward moment when Dick goes to cut Jericho loose only to find out he has superpowers, Dick and Dawn telling Jericho why they approached him and that they're superheroes, how Slade lost his eye in the comics, Slade's lame gift for missing Jericho's birthday, our speculation on who Jillian and Donna worked for, Deathstroke pretending to be Jillian to lure Donna into a trap, Donna Troy vs. Deathstroke, wondering why Dick Grayson spent time changing into his Robin costume before going after Donna, wondering why Robin didn't tell Jericho that Deathstroke attacked Donna, Robin vs. Deathstroke, Jericho's big sacrifice, how Jericho could've survived, the original Titans being really unfair to Dick Grayson, our favorite quotes of the episode, Wintergreen's shout-out to the original Greek Titans of myth, new Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Jock and Steven Marshall, Jesse putting on his geek pants, Titans finally having another proper episode title, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 045 as Jesse and I discuss "Atonement", the ninth episode from Season 2 of the DC Universe series Titans!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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