Friday, June 21, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 154: "Light-Years from Home" is Up!

"No, see, this is what screwed everything up in the first place.  You show up half-cocked, you don't have a plan..."
"Hey, first of all, I am fully cocked.  And secondly...I don't have a second thing yet, just... just give me a minute."
-- Seg-El and Adam Strange, Krypton: "Light-Years from Home"

Hello again, everyone!  Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we review "Light-Years from Home", the Season 2 premiere of the Syfy series Krypton, based on the mythos of DC Comics’ Superman!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Seg-El's quick escape from the Phantom Zone, Brainiac's homeworld Colu, wondering why Brainiac took six months to reach out to Seg-El, the timey-wimeyness of the Phantom Zone, Brainiac and Seg-El being pragmatic about betraying one another, Rule One of comic books. the supposed death of Brainiac, Seg-El and Brainiac being the buddy cop movie I never knew I wanted, Brainiac hiding out in Seg-El, the off-camera birth of Cor-Vex, Seg-El's vision of General Zod killing his mom Lyta-Zod, a special appearance by Krypto the Superdog, terraforming vs. kryptoforming, Clark Kent being a hero with or without powers, Clark being capable of saving Jonathan Kent in Man of Steel, General Zod conscripting the Rankless into the military, General Zod's messiah complex, Detroit being bottled by Brainiac, Nyssa-Vex's final encounter with Daron-Vex, that awkward moment when Daron-Vex is about to reveal why Nyssa-Vex is a clone only to be shot by Lyta-Zod, the Krypton moon Wegthor, Jax-Ur losing her eye, the introduction of Irish Lobo, the upcoming Lobo spinoff, the return of Seg-El and Adam Strange's bromance, our favorite quotes of the episode, Lucifer being picked up for a fifth and final season, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "Ghost in the Fire", the second episode from Season 2 of the Syfy series Krypton, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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