Wednesday, October 10, 2018

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 119: "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" is Up!

"Hold on there, please, Madam.  I need you to do as I say.  This could be a potential crime scene."
"Why are you calling me madam?"
"Because…you’re a woman?"
"Am I?  Does it suit me?"
"Oh yeah, I remember – sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman!"
-- Yasmin "Yaz" Khan and The Thirteenth Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Woman Who Fell to Earth"

It's a bold new era for Next Stop Everywhere as my partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are joined by our NEW partner in time, Karen Lindsay, as we review "The Woman Who Fell to Earth", the first episode from Doctor Who Series Eleven, featuring Jodie Whittaker's first story as the Thirteenth Doctor, Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair, Mandip Gill as Yasmin "Yaz" Khan, and Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien!
In this episode, Jesse, Karen and I discuss things like Karen becoming our new partner in time, what our spouses thought of Jodie Whittaker's debut episode, Chibnall wanting the Doctor's "companions" to be thought of as "friends", what we thought of Jodie Whittaker's performance as the Doctor, this episode being exactly what we needed in the United States, the Doctor building her new Sonic Screwdriver, the loss of Grace O'Brien bringing Ryan and Graham closer, Ryan having dyspraxia, Graham as the common sense voice of reason, Yaz as the first companion of Indian descent, why Grace wasn't "fridged", Jesse and Karen crushing on Jodie Whittaker, Carl being Stuart Smalley, T'zim-Sha (a.k.a. Tim Shaw) revealing his true face, why it's okay to not bring back classic monsters for a while, my wanting to see more of the Stenza, Chris Chibnall's bad creative decision to not include the Doctor Who opening credits, David Bowie being a good Doctor, my Reverse the Polarity segment, some Series 11 news, Jesse's rant about not judging people who aren't happy with Jodie Whittaker, new listener feedback from Paul from Australia, Holly from Wisconsin, David K. Proctor, Fred Firestine and a bunch of other people, waiting for the Heart of Gold to appear to rescue the Doctor and her companions from orbit, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back next week as Jesse, Karen and I review "The Ghost Monument", the second episode from Doctor Who Series Eleven, featuring Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair, Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan, and Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien!  Look for more of Next Stop Everywhere on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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