Thursday, March 1, 2018

TITANTALK 003: "Titans: Rebirth" is Up!

"My name is Wally West.  I'm the Fastest Man Alive.  I used to be Kid Flash...but I'm not a kid anymore.  And all my friends have forgotten me."
-- The Flash (Wally West), Titans: Rebirth #1: "Titans: Rebirth"

That's right, my fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! 

In this third episode of our three-part rollout, Jesse and I discuss Jesse meeting comics legend Jim Shooter, Jesse stepping away from mainstream comics in The New 52 era, recapturing the past in the DC Rebirth era, the pre-Rebirth era miniseries Titans Hunt, old school Titans villain Mister Twister, Arsenal's douchey backwards baseball cap, Dan Abnett writing the Titans as a family again, Titans Vol. 1: The Return of Wally West, Flash villain Abra Kadabra, Titans Vol. 2: Made in Manhattan, Wally and Superman being the only superheroes in the DC Universe that remember what happened before Flashpoint, the new Titans Tower, Tempest and Omen's budding romance, trust issues with the Titans' Justice League mentors, Justice League villain The Key, Geoff Johns writing a Doom Patrol episode of Titans, more characters coming up on the Titans TV show, speculating on some possible upcoming Titans TV characters, an update on the Nightwing movieand more!

If you'd like to check out episodes of TitanTalk, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back next month for Episode 004 as Jesse and I discuss the casting for Titans' take on the Doom Patrol, along with more news from the upcoming DC Universe series Titans!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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