Wednesday, March 28, 2018

THE FANDOM ZONE 133: "Krypton" is Up!

"I come from a planet called Earth, a time centuries from now, and I've come here to warn you -- Someone from the future is coming to destroy Krypton."
"Okay, right...Why?  Why would they do that?"
"Because where I'm from, your grandson becomes the greatest hero in the universe -- like, ever -- unless somebody changes things to make sure that he's never born."
"You all right?"
"I'm running out of time.  Take this.  You have to find the Fortress.  You have to save Superman."
-- Adam Strange and Seg-El, Krypton: "Pilot" 

With Karen still unavailable this week, I'm joined by Phil Perich from the Capes and Lunatics Podcast for the 3rd Anniversary episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Legends of Tomorrow 3x15: "Necromancing the Stone"
Black Lightning 1x09: "The Book of Little Black Lies"
Krypton 1x01: "Pilot"  (Series Premiere)
Gotham 4x15: "The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause"

In this episode, Phil and I talk about things like Karen still being unavailable, Matt Ryan's John Constantine becoming a regular cast member of Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, Constantine making a Doctor Who reference, a great Easter egg nod to the NBC Constantine series, Caity Lotz back in her Black Canary costume, more on Kid Flash assimilating to the Legends, wondering who will eventually end up as Black Canary, the CW Seed Constantine animated series, the contrast of Jennifer freaking out about having superpowers while Annisa embraces being a superhero, the Pierce family liking and getting along with one another more than the Queen family, Vixen and Supergirl existing on Black Lightning's Earth, wanting to see Metamorpho and the Outsiders, trying to round up Jesse Jackson, Adam Strange serving as a replacement Rip Hunter or Booster Gold, Daron-Vex and The Voice of Rao creating a theocracy on Krypton, that awkward moment when your military commander mother stabs you through the hand with a knife, Krypton having extreme climate change, the ticking clock of Superman's Back to the Future cape, Phil's theory of Seg-El and Lyta-Zod becoming the Kryptonian Nightwing and Flamebird, looking forward to finally getting a proper Brainiac, the neverending cycle of Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock butting heads and making up, the Penguin and the Riddler making up, Gordon's superpower being able to survive multiple gunshot wounds, that awkward moment when the Riddler goes to recruit Solomon Grundy only to find that Butch's personality has returned, some new feedback from JustinaJohn Byrne's limited series The World of Krypton, the movie adaptation of Ready Player One, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as a special guest host and I review new episodes of Fox's Lucifer, Syfy's Krypton, and The CW's Black Lightning and Arrowright here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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