Sunday, December 17, 2017

THE FANDOM ZONE 125: "Queen Takes Knight" is Up!

"The sun never shines here."
-- Carmine Falcone, Gotham: "Queen Takes Knight"

You guessed it, Karen and I are  back with another HUGE new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  So huge, in fact, we're splitting it up in two parts!  This week's reviews of comics on television include:
The Walking Dead 8x07: "Time for After"
Lucifer 3x09: "The Sinnerman"
The Gifted 1x09: "OutfoX"
Supergirl 3x09: "Reign"  (Midseason Finale)
The Flash 4x09: "Don't Run"  (Midseason Finale)

Legends of Tomorrow 3x09: "Beebo the God of War"  (Midseason Finale)
Gotham 4x11: "Queen Takes Knight"   (Midseason Finale)
Arrow 6x09: "Irreconcilable Differences"  (Midseason Finale)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x03: "A Life Spent"
In this episode, Karen and I talk about things like the return of our old Dangerous Habits: The Constantine Podcast theme music, Karen and I spending quality time together, finally giving up on Eugene being redeemed, Daryl being on a suicide mission, speculating on how Morgan will fit into Fear the Walking Dead, Rick being a Briefs Guy, Rick vs. another Road Warrior Walker, what John Constantine would think of Jadis and the Scavengers, speculating on whether Pierce is the real Sinnerman, Mazikeen finally getting Lucifer to listen to her, Fenris 2: The ReFenrising, wondering if Reed always knew that his Lauren and Andy could be mutants someday, more of Amy Acker being wasted on The Gifted, wondering what the point is of a non-dairy cheese omelette, my Christmas gift for my nephew Kaleb, Reign's Fortress of Sanctuary, Reign's epic beatdown of Supergirl, the Martian Manhunter's favorite Star Wars movie, being concerned about Legends of Tomorrow replacing Supergirl on The CW's schedule, the return of Katee Sackhoff as Amunet, The Thinker's big bodyswapping twist, Ralph realizing that he's coming off as a jerk, Iris throwing shade on Felicity stepping all over her and Barry's "I do" moment, Martin Stein using physics to get himself a Beebo doll, Agent Sharpe flirting with White Canary, Citizen Cold getting to know Heat Wave, Karen's awkward chess metaphor, Sofia Falcone's overly complicated plan, Grayson not being the only Dick in Wayne Manor, that awkward moment when Wild Dog sells out Team Arrow, the return of Mama Smoak, the return of Karen's Thea impression, Matthew McConaughey as Lando Calrissian, explaining "616" of the Marvel Universe, Daisy being sick of "Quake, Destroyer of Worldsand more!

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And if that isn't enough for you, you can also check us out on YouTube, Libsyn, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and the official Southgate Media Group website!  Oh, and if you're interested in an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing, you can get those on TeePublic HERE as well!  Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week as Karen and I review Episodes 2 and 3 of Netflix's The Punisher, the midseason finales of AMC's The Walking Dead and Fox's Lucifer and The Gifted, and a new episode of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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