Tuesday, December 5, 2017

THE FANDOM ZONE 123: "Wake Up" is Up!

"This, uh, brown water is a popular beverage on Earth?"
"In the mornings, mostly."
"Mmm...Yes. I understand the appeal of cuh-ahhf-eee."
"It's pronounced coffee."
– M'yrnn J'onnz and J'onn J'onnz, Supergirl: "Wake Up"

With Karen dealing with packing her stuff for her upcoming move, I'm joined once again by my Next Stop Everywhere partner in time Jesse Jackson for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Supergirl 3x07: "Wake Up"
The Flash 4x07: "Therefore I Am"
Legends of Tomorrow 3x07: "Welcome to the Jungle"
Arrow 6x07: "Thanksgiving"

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Superboy putting Mon-El in the Phantom Zone, trying to pretend that we haven't already watched "Crisis on Earth-X", planning for a Dragon Con meetup, Jesse's thoughts on The Walking Dead Season 8, Rob & Chad Lowe being Bruce Springsteen fans, explaining Reign to Jesse, the debut of the Fortress of Sanctuary, why Tom Welling needs to appear on Supergirl, wondering why Mon-El is married to Saturn Girl instead of Shadow Lass, wondering if XS was teased in "Crisis on Earth-X", the addition of Carl Lumbly as M'yrnn J'onnz, trying to justify why Barry was so obsessed with proving that Clifford Devoe is the Thinker, the Mechanic's devotion to the Thinker, more of Kid Flash being overlooked, developing Heat Wave as a character, the return of Grodd, Professor Stein recruiting history's greatest minds to help him figure out how to separate from the Firestorm matrix, reminding everyone that Heat Wave is a pyromaniac, the awkward moment of Oliver getting arrested by the FBI in front of his kid, more of supposed teammates not being honest with one another, Billy Joel's concert in Star City, Jesse's theory that Diggle is being killed off at the end of Arrow Season 6, Jesse's dad going off to Vietnam, the late David Cassidy (father of Katie Cassidy) being the Mirror Master on the original 1990-91 The Flash TV seriesand more!

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Be sure to come back next week as Karen and I review "Crisis on Earth-X", the big CW crossover of The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow, the Season 5 premiere of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and new episodes of AMC's The Walking Dead and Fox's Gotham, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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