Thursday, October 12, 2017

THE FANDOM ZONE 116: "Behold...The Inhumans" is Up!

"Eventually, the universe will grow darker until black holes dominate the cosmos, and everyone, everything you've ever known will be sucked into the vast nothingness.  No one will be left to observe this, no one left to care."
"This is why nobody invites you to do their birthday toasts."
– Karnak and Gorgon, Inhumans: "Behold...The Inhumans"

With Karen otherwise occupied with paying gigs, I'm joined this time by my Next Stop Everywhere partner in time Jesse Jackson for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Gotham 4x02: "The Fear Reaper"
Inhumans 1x01: "Behold...The Inhumans"  (Series Premiere)
Inhumans 1x02: "Those Who Would Destroy Us"

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Karen getting paid, why Jesse has problems with Gotham, the Penguin's decision to license criminals, nods to Morgan Freeman's Lucius Fox, Bruce figuring out how to use his celebrity to help him fight crime, Bruce getting his Batteen suit, the introduction of the Scarecrow, the Gotham version of the Gotham City Sirens, Victor Zsasz bringing more to the table than Butch Gilzean, the decision to use Inhumans story titles from the comics as TV episode titles, Jesse wanting Inhumans to be a Marvel superhero series, Anson Mount using Inhumans Sign Language as Black Bolt, Maximus being far less mad than his comics version, Scott Buck having no business being a showrunner of Marvel shows, the controversial decision to shave Medusa's head to victimize her, Hawaiian police being poorly portrayed, whether Lockjaw is just a big dog instead an Inhuman treated like a dog, great news about Jesse's colon cancerand more!

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Be sure to come back next week as Karen returns and we review the series premiere of Fox's The Gifted, the Season 3 premiere of Fox's Lucifer,  ABC's Inhumans, new episodes of Fox's Gotham and ABC's Inhumans, Episode 6 of Netflix's The Defendersright here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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