Thursday, October 5, 2017

GHOSTWOOD 021: "The Return, Part 18" is Up!

"What year is this?"
-- Dale Cooper to Carrie Page, Twin Peaks: "The Return, Part 18"

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we review "The Return, Part 18", the final (?) episode from the Showtime revival of Twin Peaks!


In our latest episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan encouraging her friends to check out our podcast, needing a few weeks to process the new Twin Peaks finale, the Twin Peaks version of Burning Man, New Dougie returning home to Janey-E and Sonny Jim, wondering how Cooper enters the Black Lodge in the new timeline if Laura Palmer's murder never happened, the monkey's paw episode of The Simpsons, the Evolution of the Arm quoting Audrey Horne, Leland Palmer being damned for eternity in the Black Lodge even though he was possessed by BOB, Diane seeing herself, Diane and Cooper's really awkward sex scene, that awkward moment when you wake up in a different hotel from the one you went to sleep in, Cooper's epic takedown of three cowboys with guns, that awkward moment when you finally find Laura Palmer and she says she's Carrie Page, wondering what the deal is with the dead guy Carrie shot in the head, that awkward moment when you drive all the way from Odessa, Texas to Twin Peaks, Washington to see Sarah Palmer and the actual real-life owner of the Palmer house is there instead, wondering if Alice Tremond is Mrs. Tremond from the original series, another bloodcurdling Sheryl Lee scream, ending the series on yet another cliffhanger, rewatching "The Return" knowing where it's going to end up, wondering what Mark Frost's upcoming Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier novel will contain, CBS' Star Trek: Discovery, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

iTunes -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn --  RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in two weeks as Xan and I "listen to the sounds" and review the CDs Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series and Twin Peaks: Limited Event Series Original Soundtrack from the Showtime revival of Twin Peaks!  Look for more of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast on iTunes, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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