Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wizard World Columbus 2015: Day Two Photos

Wizard World Comic Con Columbus 2015 was all kinds of busy today at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, with William Shatner, Mike Tyson, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Emily Kinney, and others signing autographs and posing for pictures with fans. Sadly, David Ramsey was a no-show.

Even with a pretty flimsy celebrity guest roster and the lack of major comics creators, there was still a surprisingly heavy Saturday attendance.  I did some more bargain hunting, picked up a great Constantine t-shirt, and of course, got a lot of great cosplay photos.

Here are some of my photos from Day Two...

The Batman v Superman Batman armor starts off Day Two

Emily Kinney (Beth from Walking Dead, The Bug-Eyed Bandit on The Flash)

Genderbending Marty McFly is all dressed for 2015

Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy is probably hunting Dave Bautista and Michael Rooker

See?  Melissandre brought Jon Snow back from the dead for Game of Thrones Season 6

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend Day Three this year, but if you'd like to see more pics from Wizard World Columbus, I've set up an album on my Facebook page HERE.  See you next year!

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