Tuesday, September 29, 2015

THE FANDOM ZONE 026: "Damned If You Do" is Up!

"I beg of you my son, please choose happiness, unless you feel a calling.  A true calling."
-- The late Thomas Wayne to his son Bruce, Gotham: "Damned If You Do"

With our episode posting back on track, Karen Lindsay and I have another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  

This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Birds of Prey 1x13 -- "Devil's Eyes" (SERIES FINALE)
Fear The Walking Dead 1x04 -- "Not Fade Away"
Gotham 2x01 -- "Damned If You Do"

We talk about things like my exhaustion from Salt Lake Comic Con, the awkwardness of being hypnotized into acting like King Kong, Harley Quinn's Hypnotoad eyes, why Batman doesn't kill The Joker, Harley Quinn's total Oracle mindfuck, Birds of Prey's failure as a series, dreading Melissa Rosenberg writing Jessica Jones, wondering when Travis Manawa became The Man of the People, Nick finally washing himself (albeit in the pool), Travis and Madison's backseat sex, the passing of Catherine Coulson from Twin Peaks, Nick's total douchebag move with a morphine drip, the awkwardness of reflecting lights becoming muzzle flashes, The Penguin's plans within plans, Bruce Wayne's password fail, a special appearance by Karen's cat, Barbara Kean finally finding a personality (even if it's Harley Quinn's), Zaardon's blue gas, Batman villains Amygdala and The Tigress, revealing the official name for fans of The Fandom Zone, and more!

You can check out the episode HERE and for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us! If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well. In addition, we have The Fandom Zone show page on Facebook, which you can check out HERE. And we're also on Twitter using the account @FandomZoneCast.

Be sure to come back next week as we review the Season 3 premiere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, the next episode of Gotham, and the fifth episode of Fear The Walking Dead, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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