Sunday, July 19, 2015

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 028: "The War Games" is Up!

"Well, it is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved with things."
"Aye, you can say that again.  Whenever there’s any trouble, he’s in it right up to his neck!"
-- The Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon, Doctor Who: "The War Games"

My good friend and co-host Jesse Jackson and I are back with another episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  And this time, we're joined by special guest companion Ken Schaefer as we explore the Patrick Troughton classic, "The War Games"!

Exploring this Season 6 story from 1969, Jesse, Ken and I discuss things like how Ken got into Doctor Who, converting Jesse into a Doctor Who fan, the introduction of the Sonic Screwdriver, the greatness of Jamie and Zoe, Outlander being Doctor Who fan fiction about Jamie McCrimmon, the greatness of Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor, the bombshell of the Time Lords' first appearance in 1969, tying up the "exiles" plot thread, SIDRATs vs. TARDISes, the Second Doctor calling out the Time Lords, Reversing the Reverse the Polarity, speculating on the new Series Nine trailer, and more!

And for those who still aren't aware of this yet, we're available on iTunes RIGHT HERE as well as Stitcher RIGHT HERE, so please subscribe and tell your friends about us. If you're looking for direct MP3 downloads, you can find them RIGHT HERE as well. Oh, and don't forget we have an officially official Next Stop Everywhere Facebook page and Twitter account, so be sure to Like and/or Follow us, okay?

Be sure to come back next for our review of the Matt Smith story "A Town Called Mercy," and look for more of Next Stop Everywhere on iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher and the Southgate Media Group website!

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