Wednesday, May 20, 2015

THE FLASH Season 2 to Explore Multiple Earths & Speedsters

Jay Garrick fans, it's going to be a long summer for you.

After the epic events of last night's "Fast Enough," the Season One finale of The CW series The Flash, anyone who enjoys the concept of DC Comics' alternate Earths should be bursting with anticipation for Season Two.  SPOILER WARNINGS for anyone who hasn't seen the episode yet...

By way of some wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey storytelling, the episode teased some upcoming events in Barry Allen's life, including the winged helmet worn by Jay Garrick (the original Flash from Earth-Two), Caitlin Snow becoming the supervillain Killer Frost, and perhaps even the Flash Museum as shown below...

In an article posted by TV Guide, Flash star Grant Gustin revealed that multiple Earths and timelines will be in play, specifically Jay Garrick's Earth.  "What's fun about this show is that there's going to be multiple timelines as we move forward," remarked Gustin.  "I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future.  There will be kind of different dimensions going on."

Added Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco Ramon (the future superhero Vibe), "It gets a little Rubik's Cube-y in terms of keeping consistency between all these timelines and whatnot, but the writers have their stuff together.  If I were to trust anyone, it would be them."

As for other plans for Season Two, The Hollywood Reporter spoke with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg about what we might see, including additional speedsters.  "We are going to introduce a few more speedsters next year and a bunch more villains," said Kreisberg. "How they and those villains come about is part of the surprise of Season Two.  We're really excited. [Executive producer] Greg [Berlanti] and myself and [executive producer] Geoff Johns and the writers, the cast, the crew, the directors — we are so proud of this season of television. It really is a high mark for all of us and we feel a great deal of pressure and anxiety to live up to it, because it's been so well received.  As proud as excited as we are about everything we've done this year, we really are just as proud and excited for all the things we are planning coming up and hopefully people will continue to take this ride with us."

Concerning the future of the Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh) after the Season One finale, Kreisberg remarked, "Tom Cavanagh will be back.  That is not in question.  Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular."

THR also asked if the story structure for Season Two will be the same as Season One. "Not to pat ourselves on the back too much," said Kreisberg, "but if you watch the pilot, there are clues that got laid out throughout the season.  We've done the same thing for season two and hopefully we've created a structure and a scenario for season two that people will find equally compelling and equally interesting.  Some of it has already been set up in the events of season one. Just like we do on Arrow, where without even realizing it toward the end of the season we're setting up the next season.  Once people come back in season two, they'll look back at some of these episodes in season one and go, 'Oh wait a minute, I see where this came from.'"

And lastly, will Eddie Thawne be back?  "The great thing with our show — you saw it with Colin Donnell and with Caity Lotz — is just because you're dead doesn't mean you're not coming back.  Especially in the world of The Flash, which involves time travel and real hardcore science fiction, there's always a way for Eddie to return and we hope Rick (Cosnett) will."

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