Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mark Frost Writing TWIN PEAKS Book to Reveal Characters' Fates

A path is formed by laying one stone at a time.

The Hollywood Reporter has word that Mark Frost, co-creator of the 1990-91 ABC series Twin Peaks, is writing a new Twin Peaks book that will reveal various characters' fates since the series ended.

Flatiron Books, a division of Macmillan, will publish The Secret Lives of Twin Peaks, an inside look into what happened to the various characters of the town of Twin Peaks, Washington since viewers last saw them almost twenty-five years ago.  According to the article, "The book promises to offer a deeper look into the central mystery of the original series, which ended abruptly, leaving many plot points unresolved."

In a statement, Frost remarked, "This has long been a dream project of mine that will bring a whole other aspect of the world of Twin Peaks to life, for old fans and new.  I couldn’t be more thrilled."

This news follows on the bombshell dropped earlier this month that Twin Peaks is returning for a new nine-episode series on Showtime in 2016, which will pick up twenty-five years after the original series ended.  With a number of the original actors having passed away since the series finale, it seems likely that some of their characters' fates will be addressed in Frost's new book.

A number of official Twin Peaks books were published in the early '90s, the most notable one being The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer, written by David Lynch's daughter Jennifer.  Other books included The Autobiography F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes (written by Frost's brother Scott), Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town, and the audiobook "Diane.." - The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper that was written by Scott Frost and performed by Kyle MacLachlan.

The Secret Lives of Twin Peaks is expected to be released sometime toward the end of 2015.

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