Saturday, January 22, 2011

FRINGE and TWIN PEAKS Share the Same TV Universe

Oh, Fringe...I am really going to miss you if you end up becoming the latest victim of the Friday Night Death Slot.

For a show that started off blatantly ripping off episodes of The X-Files, Fringe finally found its voice halfway through its second season when the creators started focusing on their own mythology involving an alternate Earth.  Since then, the show has become one fun and insane rollercoaster ride and one of the best science-fiction series currently on television.

One more piece of Fringe's brilliance occured in tonight's episode, "The Firefly," when occasionally-high mad scientist Dr. Walter Bishop, played to perfection by John Noble, gave a shout-out to none other than Dr. Lawrence Jacoby from the classic series Twin Peaks.  After donning a pair of glasses with 3-D colored lenses, Walter is told that they look good, to which he replies:  "Yes...They were sent to me by a Dr. Jacoby from Washington State."  The town of Twin Peaks, where Dr. Jacoby operated as the resident psychiatrist, was located in the state of Washington.

This, of course, means that Fringe and Twin Peaks now share the same TV universe, however unofficial or official it actually is.  So, Walter...How about setting aside all that Observer and Walternate nonsense aside just long enough to rescue Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper from the Black Lodge?  If anyone can, it's probably you.


  1. I squealed with delight when I heard him Reference Jacoby! Go Walter! - Brandon in Atlanta

  2. You and me both, Brandon. I know FRINGE throws out some unexpected things at times, but I certainly never saw a Dr. Jacoby reference coming.

  3. It was a stroke of genius i say! Dr. Jacoby back with us again! Hurrah! I jumped on my laptop (gotta love a DVR) and found this! YAY! Now...log lady? Dancing midget? The Bookhouse boys? What ever could be next!???

  4. Gwyneth, considering how FRINGE uses the FBI, I'm personally hoping for Gordon Cole or Albert Rosenfeld...

  5. Hilarious, I literally had to pause Fringe and run to the Intarwebs to confirm my suspicion that Walter was indeed referring to the same Dr. Jacoby. I too really hope Fringe can survive the Friday night death slot. Hopefully Fox will realize that even with what is sure to be a drop in ratings will be made up for in DVR or other non traditional viewings.

    Matt in Green Bay

  6. Matt, SMALLVILLE proved in recent years that it's possible to survive the Friday Night Death Slot, but that series is on the CW. I can't recall another FOX show to thrive on Fridays since THE X-FILES back in the day, which lasted long enough to be moved to Sundays. Hopefully, FRINGE gets a similar Stay of Execution.

  7. I just loved the Twin Peaks reference! But I suspect that the writer(s) or the producers are also fans of another science fiction classic: Roscoe, the keyboarder of Walter's favourite band, was played by Christopher Lloyd - BTTF's Dr. Emmett Brown, who travelled through time. Roscoe was contacted by his son, who also travelled through time. : )

    1. Ha ha - just realised that I posted my commentary exactly one year after your posting. That can't be just a coincidence ...

  8. Marc, don't forget about those Leonard Nimoy appearances. Fringe definitely pays respect to what came before.

  9. I forgot to add (did the comment above as well...that the episode has reference to ocean waves being used to help people relax and Walter says something to the effect that Dr. Jacoby taught him how to use it...Dr. Jacoby from Twin Peaks was obsessed with Hawaii and calming, healing techniques, so the use of ocean waves was an extra bonus.

  10. I loved the reference to Dr. Jacoby as well. I also noticed that in the episode called "Immortality" in season 3, that Joan Chen appears as Walternate's girlfriend. She played Jocelyn Packard on Twin Peaks. Love it!

    1. Heather, always glad to share my love of Twin Peaks. I also loved Joan Chen's appearance on Fringe and if you click on the subject label link above, you can read another post where I ramble about this very episode.

  11. Episode in season 2 was called Northwest Passage

    Twin Peaks was originally going to be called that

    1. You're absolutely right. Two TP references in the same season.

  12. All that episode was a refference to TP. The character cannot remember some important information that is whispered to him in a dream by someone who is dead. And also The observer tells Walter another piece of important information in a form of a riddle, just like the Giant from TP, and this riddle can be solved only when the actual situation is happening. And also strange connection and travelling between the future and the past. And also "25 years later".
